[백브리핑AI] LG Ensol enters the battery exchange business… Two in-house independent companies launched

[인포스탁데일리=김현욱AI 앵커] LG Energy Solutions enters the battery exchange business.

LG Energy Solutions launched Kuruwa Able, an in-house independent company.

This decision was made in order to accelerate business promotion along with quick decision-making on new businesses.

LG Energy Solutions CEO Kwon Young-soo said, “We hope that newly launched in-house independent companies will not be afraid of failure and will be able to increase future customer value through innovative thinking and challenges.”

Kuru and Able plan to start related businesses in earnest from this month.

Kuru promotes a battery exchange station (BSS) related business.

BSS is a service that greatly enhances convenience by exchanging battery packs for electric two-wheeled vehicles.

Kuru plans to promote the development of battery packs and stations exclusively for BSS, and expand the electric two-wheeled vehicle ecosystem by using the collected usage data in the future.

Able promotes the Energy Grid Integrated Management (EA) business.

Able will start the integrated management of the renewable energy power grid using ESS, centered on the Jeju area.

We plan to develop a system that can accurately predict the amount of renewable energy generation in the future and efficiently utilize and manage the energy stored in the ESS.

LG Energy Solutions also prepared various institutional arrangements for the independent operation and stable settlement of CIC.

LG Energy Solutions plans to prepare a differentiated compensation system, and consider a separate and unconventional compensation plan when the company is split in the future.

Kim Hyun-wook AI anchor webmaster@infostock.co.kr

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