In the French Alps, the Noema radio telescope “has just reached its full capacity”

This radio telescope is the result of a collaboration between the CNRS, the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG, Germany) and the Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN, Spain). It is built and managed by Iram (Institute of Millimetric Radio Astronomy).

« Eight years following the inauguration of its first branch in 2014, this major project is now complete. With twelve 15-meter antennas that can be moved over tracks up to 1.7 kilometers, Noema is a unique new tool for astronomy research. », explains the CNRS.

« Its resolving power along with the sensitivity of the grating allows scientists to collect light that has traveled up to 13 billion years to reach Earth. “, adds the Center. Today it is the most powerful millimeter radio telescope in the Northern Hemisphere.

« Noema is at the origin of major discoveries and has already provided sensational results. For example, he observed the most distant galaxy known to date, formed shortly following the Big Bang and recently measured the temperature of cosmic microwave background radiation at a very early time in the Universe. “, finally specifies the CNRS.

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