How to use holograms to create professional presentations

A hologram is a technology that uses light to create holographic images that appear as three-dimensional objects. This technology was invented by British-Hungarian physicist Dennis Gabor in the 1940s, who used green light from a mercury-vapor lamp. This invention, which earned Gabor the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1971, was not realized until the early 1960s, when highly stable laser sources appeared. This constancy is what allows the creation of a stereoscopic image of previously photographed objects. Read also: What is hologram technology and how does it work? Uses of Holograms There are many uses for hologram technology covering different fields and sectors. Here are some examples: The science of medicine Hologram technology will revolutionize medicine and the healthcare sector, as the use of this technology helps create full-color 3D holograms of the human body. By doing so, students and clinicians can understand and study more precisely the various internal organs, such as the brain, heart, and nerves. In addition, . can be used

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