[정치]’Jeonwoon’, a battle for the leadership of the national inspectorate…

The government audit begins on the 4th… Opposition parties struggle to secure leadership
與 “National inspectorate aimed at the five-year situation of the Wen government, such as denuclearization”
Noo “Improve the difficulties of the old government, such as the relocation of the presidential office”
Kim Kun-hee stock price manipulation, Lee Jae-myung Judicial risk


In the first audit following the new government was launched the day following tomorrow, the ruling and opposition parties are foretelling a ripple attack aimed at the Moon Jae-in and Yun Seok-yeol governments, respectively.

The judicial risk of Democratic Party Chairman Lee Jae-myung is also expected to rise on the cutting board, and the opposition and opposition parties continued to fight over the indictment of ‘Seongnam FC’, which was listed as a conspirator, over the weekend.

Reporter Jeong Hyun-woo.


At the end of this holiday, the curtain rises for the first public audit since the inauguration of the Yun Seok-yeol government.

As the National Inspectorate, which is evaluated as a watershed for securing political leadership, both the opposition and the opposition are strengthening their resolve to attack the opponent’s Achilles heel.

With the ruling party, who will finally dig into the situation that has occurred over the past five years under the Moon Jae-in administration, such as the nuclear phase-out policy,

[성일종 / 국민의힘 정책위 의장(지난달 30일) : 탈원전 정책을 추진하면서도 “전기요금 인상 없다”라고 공언했던 문재인 대통령과 백운규 장관의 아집이 한 원인입니다. 실패한 정책의 후폭풍이 정말 큽니다.]

The opposition party, which wants to highlight the difficulties of the Yun Seok-yeol administration, including the relocation of the presidential office, is in a strong confrontation.

[한병도 / 더불어민주당 대통령실 의혹 진상규명단장(지난달 30일) : 관저 부지 선정 특혜 수주, 대통령실 직원 사적 채용, 외교참사 등 기타 업무능력 관련 의혹에 대해서도 다음 주부터 시작되는 국정감사와 향후 국정조사를 통해 명명백백하게 진실을 밝혀내겠습니다.]

While the suspicion of Deutsche Motors stock price manipulation by Kim Gun-hee and the judicial risk of Democratic Party Chairman Lee Jae-myung also seem to heat up the chief of the National Assembly,

The ruling and opposition parties continued a fierce battle over the prosecution’s indictment of Seongnam FC, in which CEO Lee was listed as a conspirator, until the weekend just before the National Assembly.

The Democratic Party criticized the prosecution’s political investigation show to cover up the controversy over the profanity of President Yoon.

[박성준 / 더불어민주당 대변인 : 성남FC 수사는 욕설 정국을 벗어나기 위한 윤석열 검찰의 야당탄압 수사에 불과합니다. 수사가 아닌 사냥을 하는 검찰은 반드시 상응한 책임을 져야 할 것입니다.]

The People’s Power countered by saying that the opposition party came out as a counterintelligence even though the false explanation of President Lee was revealed.

[장동혁 / 국민의힘 원내대변인 : 169석이라는 숫자로 이재명 대표의 죄를 덮을 수는 없습니다. 국회를 끝까지 방탄막으로 악용하려 한다면, 이재명 대표는 물론, 더불어민주당도 자멸할 것입니다.]

When the government audit begins, the struggle between the opposition and the opposition over the responsibility of the state affairs is expected to intensify.

This is YTN Jung Hyun-woo.

YTN Hyunwoo Jung (junghw5043@ytn.co.kr)

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