The vagus nerve: essential for your health!

On the contrary, well stimulated, it will reduce anxiety, cardiac pathologies, tinnitus, obesity, addictions, migraines, Alzheimer’s disease, intestinal permeability, poor blood circulation, disorders of the mood.

His condition will be aggravated by diabetes, alcoholism, and upper respiratory tract infections. But also by stress, fatigue or anxiety, which inflame it. It is believed that a diet too loaded with fats and sugars also leads to its dysfunction. On the other hand, going for Omega 3 or 6 and probiotics will do him a lot of good, crazy, crazy! Other studies tend to prove that intermittent fasting is a good option to stimulate it.

You already understand that a good health of the vagus nerve will help us to get better at all levels, mental as well as digestive, cardiac (it is the process of the “vagal brake” which slows down our heart rate, without it , our heart at rest would beat at 100-110 beats/minute instead of the normal 50-90) as respiratory or circulatory. Above all, above all, a vagus nerve that works well in the body is the guarantee of not suffering from inflammation of any kind. In the face of fear or stress, the activity of the vagus nerve will be inhibited, and therefore, if this collapse of vagal activity continues, the level of inflammation in the body will increase. Don’t have a… wave in your soul…

So how do you get a vagus nerve on top?

1) Having positive social relationships (meditators and those who work on compassion towards others, who “send positive thoughts” would have better functioning of the vagus nerve).

2) Cold showers stimulate it. Or drink very cold water. Easy to understand when you know that vagal discomfort often occurs in overheated environments. Cryotherapy or immersion in ice water also has a significant effect on the parasympathetic nerve. On a daily basis, simply ending your shower with a jet of very cold water on the neck and head for two minutes will be effective. With practice, you can last longer…

3) Gargling: by stimulating the muscles of the palate, the vagus nerve is energized.

4) Singing: to activate the muscles of the throat, but also because singing releases oxytocin, the hormone of love, which brings people together, and all this, our vagus nerve loves! For this, double the effect by chanting mantras. It is very effective even if it can surprise.

5) Massage the feet to slow the heart rate or in the neck and carotid area.

6) Laugh ! Yes, the vagus loves liberating bursts of laughter!

7) Pratiquer yoga ou tai chi cuan.

8) Breathe slowly and deeply, and hold the air for as long as possible before exhaling.

9) Play sports.

10) To relax. Anything that reduces stress, from mindfulness meditation to sophrology or hypnosis will improve the state of the vagus nerve.

As is often the case, Eastern medicines grasped its importance a long time ago, but little by little it is also becoming the star of the Western medical scene, in particular thanks to an awareness of its importance in the medical literature of across the Atlantic.

On the scientific side, we can study the state of the vagus nerve using an electrocardiogram over several minutes, even several hours. Without getting into too much technical detail, the greater the discrepancy between the instantaneous heart rate on inspiration and expiration, the greater the level of vagal nerve activity. Some medical centers are beginning to prescribe stimulation by electrodes, and perhaps in a relatively short time we will all go for our nerve stimulation session, but for the moment it is unfortunately still too anecdotal. In the meantime, apply the advice given above for a vagus nerve in great shape! And stop rambling!

Gracianne Hastoy



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