It was Gigi Lai yesterday51On her birthday, she celebrated with her family in the past and this year is no exception. She shared many photos of celebrating with her family on social platforms, which are very warm. Gigi Lai put on an off-the-shoulder evening dress and took pictures with the flowers, which was very summery.
Gigi Lai shared a photo with her parents and younger brother Lai Ying, leaving a message: “This week, I have received congratulations and surprises from friends and the company team. Thank you for your love and support. It really makes me feel very comfortable. And my birthday wish every year is to wish everyone around me, especially my dearest family members, to be healthy. A safe and happy life for everyone is my best gift. Gigi Lai has always loved Xi and Li Ying, and she even took a photo with her brother head-to-head, and the two of them laughed very brightly.
Originally published on AM730 Lai’s 51st Birthday Sassy Shoulder-Celebrating Li Ying’s Super Warm/341052?utm_source=yahoorss&utm_medium=referral