“Liza is special”: in the development of the daughter of Pugacheva and Galkin, one oddity appeared over time

Lisa Galkina turned 9 years old in September. She grows up as an unusually beautiful and attractive girl. True, fans noticed one feature of the heiress Alla Pugacheva.

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Russians have been following the life of Lisa Galkina since her birth. The older the blonde beauty becomes, the more they fall in love with her. At the same time, the people noticed one feature in the development of Elizabeth, the girl is smart and reasonable beyond her years. In some of the videos that Lisa’s parents put up on the Web, she behaves like an adult woman.

It turns out that nature itself endowed the heiress Pugacheva with “oddities”. Psychologist and numerologist Farida Krasavkina explained why the prima donna’s daughter is eye-catching and sometimes behaves like an adult.

“Lisa is very mysterious by nature. It contains the energy of the moon, and the moon is something mysterious, deep. She is like an unread book to others. Already at such a young age, she can have prophetic dreams, ”said the specialist.

Raising a child like Elizabeth is very difficult. Parents should understand that two energies are intertwined in her: one is open, kind, positive, and the other is completely opposite, the wrong step of dad and mom and the baby can become secretive, plunge into depression. Therefore, it is very important that Lisa is brought up in love and given maximum attention.

Alla Pugacheva with children

“Then it will develop in positive energies. She has a rich creative potential. Creative professions are suitable for her: a magician, a magician, an energy therapist, she can engage in esotericism, creating a positive biofield, ”concluded the numerologist.

Source: Day.ru

Photo source: Instagram*, Legion-Media

*The organization is banned on the territory of the Russian Federation



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