Recaptured in one day after ‘declaring annexation’… ‘Using nuclear weapons’ heightened tension

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One day following Russia declared annexation of Ukraine’s four regions, Ukraine succeeded in recapturing ‘Leeman’, a strategic point in the east.

As Ukraine counterattacks, Russia has even mentioned the possibility of using nuclear weapons, raising tensions over the war.

This is reporter Seo Hye-yeon.

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Two Ukrainian soldiers tape the Ukrainian flag to a city sign that reads ‘Leeman’.

[우크라이나 군인]

“On October 1, we are unfolding the flag of Ukraine and putting it on the land of Ukraine. Riemann will become the land of Ukraine.”

A spokesman for the Ukrainian military said that they had successfully recaptured Lehman, a strategic point in eastern Donetsk province.

The Russian Ministry of Defense also admitted that Russian troops withdrew from Lehman as they were surrounded by Ukrainian forces.

[이고르 코나셴코프/러시아 국방부 대변인]

“As the Ukrainian forces surrounded the Russians, the Russian Allied Forces withdrew from Lehman and moved to a more advantageous location.”

Ukraine succeeded in counterattacking one day following Russia declared annexation of four occupied territories in Ukraine.

But Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky did not slow down tensions.

[볼로디미르 젤렌스키/우크라이나 대통령]

“The Ukrainian advance will continue. The Ukrainian flag is already in Lehman, but the war is still going on there.”

Faced with a disadvantageous situation, Russia has even mentioned the possibility of using nuclear weapons.

It is analyzed that Russia’s declaration of annexation of the occupied territories in Ukraine is trying to build a justification for using tactical nuclear weapons with the logic that this region is also Russian territory.

The United States, Britain, and the European Union have issued warnings by raising the level of sanctions once morest Russia, but Russia is fighting harder and tensions over the Ukraine war are escalating.

This is Seo Hye-yeon from MBC News.

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