Confirmed the first case of monkeypox in San Juan | Cuyo’s diary

During the morning of this Saturday, The province’s Ministry of Health reported that the first case of monkeypox (better known as monkeypox) was detected in San Juan.

“The Ministry of Public Health through the Epidemiology Division confirms the first case of monkeypox or better known as monkey pox,” they said in a statement.

And they highlighted that “The patient is in good health, continues in isolation at home and with medical controls and epidemiological follow-up”.

It should be remembered that, from the portfolio they announced the day before yesterday that the study of a suspicious case had been sent to the Malbrán Institute for your confirmation, which finally arrived today.

The sanjuanino who suffers from the disease is a 27-year-old man who was in contact with a positive person for the virus, a resident of the province of Buenos Aires.

Next, the characteristics and prevention measures of the disease:

* What is?

Monkeypox is a disease that is spread through sexual contact or close physical contact. The most common symptom is skin lesions similar to pimples or blisters, which appear anywhere on the body, but more frequently on the genital, perianal, face, hands and feet regions.

* How is it transmitted?

Monkeypox requires close contact, either skin-to-skin or through mucous membranes, to spread from person to person. At the moment, the main route of transmission is close contact during sexual intercourse. There are other less common routes, such as contact with contaminated materials from a sick person or through respiratory secretions in face-to-face conversations.

* Who is at risk of getting sick?

Anyone who has been in close contact with another who has symptoms, regardless of their sex, gender, self-perceived identity, and sexual orientation.

* How to protect yourself?

The main preventive measure is to avoid direct contact (especially sexual contact) with people who have the infection or with those who have compatible symptoms. It is also advisable to avoid sharing objects for personal use such as bedding, towels, plates and cutlery or mate.

* Who is most at risk?

Most people go through the disease mildly, but in some it can be more serious, for example in girls and boys, pregnant or immunocompromised people.

* What to do before the symptoms?

If injuries are detected on the body, it is essential to quickly consult a health center and avoid physical contact with other people. In the case of having been in contact with someone with monkeypox, pay attention to the appearance of symptoms in order to act in accordance with the recommendations.



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