Cannstatter Volksfest: The role model of Michael Jackson – Stuttgart

A troupe of jugglers performs at the historical folk festival on the Schlossplatz. A living legend is there.

By Frank Rothfuss

10/01/2022 – 07:00 a.m

The quack is actually retired. Four years ago he hung up his top hat. Gerhard Max Mattheis alias Dr. marrax no longer pulls nails out of his head. He bought a farm near Erfurt and a studio where he makes his collages. But for the historical folk festival, he gathered his old gang around him: Master Eckhart pierces his tongue, Georges Christen tears up phone books, Paul Klain lets rings and glass balls dance, pianist Nora and Monsieur bring silent films to life. And of course Gilbert, a legend of street performers.

The vending machine man

He was born in Brussels and grew up in a children’s home. “I ran away four times, and they didn’t find me the fifth time,” he said Wasenhocker told. He was 13 years old and found himself in Paris. Street performer Joe took him under his wing. Gilbert juggled, swallowed, and breathed fire. And became a vending machine man. “Michael Jackson stole breakdancing from me,” he says. He became world famous as a human robot. Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Constantine, Charles Aznavour, Pete Doherty, Georges Moustaki were looking for his closeness, with Anthony Perkins he made a movie. He’s 70 now, but Gilbert isn’t allowed to retire just yet. The miracle healer is already missing.

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