What is known about Guacamaya, the clandestine cybergroup that revealed AMLO’s health problems and has stolen secrets from several Latin American countries

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  • BBC News World

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image source, japatino / Getty

El Salvador, Colombia, Peru, Chile and now Mexico….

The Secretariat of National Defense of Mexico (Sedena) has been its latest victim. The clandestine cybergroup Guacamaya obtained classified communications and reports, published this Thursday by the Latinus news portal, revealing health problems of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador unknown until now by Mexicans and other controversial aspects of his management and role of the Armed Forces in your country.

Guacamaya has specialized in stealing information from the official defense agencies of Latin American countries and disseminating it, which has caused notable scandals and has turned it into a real headache for the governments of the region.

Why is there so much scandal in Mexico?

The confidential communications of the Mexican National Defense Secretariat filtered by Guacamaya range from 2016 to September 2022.

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