The 12-year-old boy was going through a depressive picture. He had attended the health center with his parents to request medical assistance.
A 12-year-old boy died when he jumped into the void from the seventh floor of the Posadas Hospitallocated in the Buenos Aires district of Hummockwhere he was with his parents waiting to be seen by mental health professionals.
The incident occurred when the minor and his parents attended the medical institution to receive psychological assistance, since he was going through a picture of depression due to the death of one of his grandmothers.
As it turned out, The visit to the establishment took place because the minor was absent for several hours from his home.
“He was not patient. He came for the first time that day with his family”Posadas sources told the local media Primer Plano Online. Initially, they consulted the mental health service and, from there, they were referred to the Health and Adolescence areasince the picture did not warrant hospitalization.
Faced with this situation, the family went up to the seventh floor of the hospital. Upon reaching the elevator, the boy moved away from his parents and threw himself out the window, which caused his immediate death by falling from such a height.
The case is investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office No. 7 of Morónalthough there will be no criminal proceedings because it was determined to be a suicide.