Details and locations of the housing units to be delivered within 18 months

The seventh day publishes the details and locations of the housing units to be delivered within 18 months, in the governorates and cities.

The applicant must be a resident of the governorate – in which the housing unit is being applied for – or residing in it, or associated with it for work, or in one of the new cities affiliated to it, or neighboring governorates, provided that priority is given to workers or residents in the same governorate, with the exception of applicants from Middle-income, and the beneficiary of a housing unit of social housing units is obligated to use it for housing for him and his family on a regular and permanent basis for a period of 7 years for both low and middle-income, and it is prohibited for him to dispose of it or deal with it in any kind of dealings for low-income behaviors or behaviors. Income from the date of receipt, or obtaining the approval of the Board of Directors of the Social Housing and Real Estate Finance Support Fund, and anyone who violates this shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of no less than one year, a fine of no less than twenty thousand pounds, or two pounds or two hundred pounds for you. Return the usufruct housing unit and the granted subsidy (direct and indirect) and its cost in one lump sum to the Fund, in accordance with the provisions of the Land Law Residents of Social and Real Estate Finance Support No. 93 of 2018 and the decisions of the Fund Board of Directors in this regard.

She added: The conditions include the need for the applicant to be a natural person of Egyptian nationality, and the age of the low- and middle-income applicant should not be less than 21 years at the end of the advertisement, the low-income applicant should not be more than 50 years old at the date of the announcement, and the average age of the applicant should not exceed The income is from the pension (Al -Muqtar al -Qanoun Al -Insurance and Pensions issued by Law No. 148 of the year 2019) in the date of the end of the loan period (thickening according to the credit studies of the funded side), and that the angel of the pension is not increased from the agents of the pensions from the pensioners from the pensioners and the benefits of the pensions of the pensions of the pensions of the pensions of the pensions of the pensions of the pensions of the pensions of the pensions of the pensions of the pensions from the agents of 75 The term of the loan, provided that a minimum 40% of the unit value is paid as an advance, with the pension transferred to the financing entity.



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