To take care of the health of the heart it is essential to follow a healthy diet and do physical activity

September 29 is World Heart Day, an essential organ for survival, which is responsible for sending blood to all body tissues, transporting oxygen and nutrients.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the world and is related to preventable risk factors, such as smoking; sedentary lifestyle; excess weight; and immoderate alcohol intake.

Around 18 million people die each year for this reason, which represents a third of the world’s population, according to data from the World Heart Federation.

Under the slogan “Use the heart for every heart”, this year the campaign focuses on activities that bring the population closer to cardiovascular health care, asking that the heart be used in the best possible way for humanity, nature and for each person. Because cardiovascular health matters to every beating heart.

For this reason, the Ministry of Public Health publishes information on cardiovascular diseases, their prevention, control and treatment.

It is recommended to eat healthy, exercise every day and not smoke. Also, control body weight according to the recommendations of the doctor or nutritionist.

Change of eating habits

It is recommended:

  • Reduce consumption of sugary drinks.
  • Prefer water or natural juices, without sugar.
  • Swap sweet treats for fresh fruit.
  • Try to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
  • If you drink alcohol, preferably red wine, in the recommended amounts: one 140-milliliter glass for women and two glasses for men.
  • Limit your intake of processed foods, which are often high in salt, sugar, and fat.

Healthy nutrition:

  • Vegetables and fruits of different colors
  • Lean beef, up to twice a week
  • skinless chicken
  • Fish, at least once a week
  • decremated dairy
  • fresh and natural food
  • Replace salt with spices, aromatic herbs and natural seasonings.

Harmful effects of salt

Myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accident (CVA) are considered the main causes of premature death in recent times.

One form of prevention is to reduce the salt content in foods. Excessive sodium intake can cause or promote high blood pressure and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

It is estimated that Argentines, in general, consume a daily average of salt that exceeds 11 grams, twice the amount recommended by the World Health Organization. This body recommends a daily intake of 5 grams for adults and a smaller amount for children up to 15 years of age.

A high percentage of salt enters the body through processed foods such as breads, cheeses, preserves, cold meats and packaged foods. Therefore, it is recommended:

  • When manufacturing food products, reduce the concentration of salt.
  • Encourage lower salt consumption in schools, canteens, hospitals, workplaces, etc.
  • Choose products prepared with low salt content.
  • Do not place salt shakers on the table.
  • Reduce the addition of salt to foods.
  • Cook with less salt.
  • Get children used to eating unprocessed foods, without added salt.

Benefits and keys of physical activity

The Argentine Society of Cardiology states:

  • The health benefits of regular physical activity are unquestionable.
  • It is essential for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and is important in the control of risk factors.
  • Not only does it help take care of the heart, it also helps manage stress, anxiety and anguish.
  • It is recommended to get 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity daily: walking is a good way to start.
  • Even during working hours, it is important to take an active break, move around, take a walk if possible.
  • Before starting demanding physical activity routines, it is important to consult a cardiologist.

Protective and risk factors

To avoid the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle, it is advisable to walk at least half an hour a day or climb stairs for seven minutes. On the other hand, it is essential not to smoke, rest well and carry out regular checks of blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose.

They are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, tobacco use, childhood and adult overweight and obesity, sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress and high blood cholesterol.

To do physical activity, it is not necessary to go to a gym. You can go for walks, ride a bike, dance, jog, play sports.

CVD and COVID-19

It is important that all people at risk for cardiovascular disease, such as hypertensives, diabetics and those over 60 years of age, have been vaccinated once morest the coronavirus. Likewise, the indicated medication should not be discontinued, even if there are no symptoms.

Diabetic, hypertensive patients or those who have suffered a myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), should pay attention to these symptoms, which may indicate a decompensation and immediately consult a doctor:

  • Chest pain that is oppressive and often radiates to the arms, neck, or back.
  • Edema of recent appearance or worsening of the previous ones.
  • Sudden feeling of shortness of breath.
  • Sudden pain with change of color or temperature in the lower limbs.
  • Syncope, loss of consciousness.
  • New onset palpitations (rapid heartbeat).
  • Difficulty speaking, a clumsy hand feeling, or loss of strength or feeling in any part of the body.



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