Los Radio Martin Fierrowhich will be dated October 2, led to LAM to refloat the historic bad relationship they have Edward Feinmann y Andy Kusnetzoff, who compete in a trio. To the point that the drivers exchanged explosive statements in the media.
In this context, and following seeing a note from Feinmann destroying Kusnetzoff in trespassers, Florence of the Ve raised a striking question, regarding the romance that Eduardo knew how to have with Sabrina Carballoin 2015.
Florence of the Ve: – Nothing was saved, Feinmann.
Love Peñono: -He told Andy a bad person, dark, that he doesn’t believe anything, that he doesn’t feel admiration for him. She said ‘I had coffee with him and he seems like a horrible person’.
“While I was looking at Andy’s note, do you know what I was thinking regarding? How did he end up with Sabrina Carballo? How did they like each other?”
Flor: -What will you think of Andy Kusnetzoff? As I looked at the note, do you know what I was thinking? How did she end up with Sabrina Carballo? How did they like each other?
Maite: -That was strange, wasn’t it?
Nancy Duration: -He is now in a relationship and has a baby girl…
Flor: -No, well, we’re talking regarding the past. And I say ‘how did they cross paths?’
Maite: -Yes, it was an absolutely unthinkable match with Sabrina.
Marcela Taurus: -He is very gentleman. But I can’t tell things because he’s going to kill me. But he has many celebrities that we didn’t know regarding… When it came out that he was with Sabrina, they had already broken up a while ago. Women fall in love with him. They came to look for him at the gate of the canal.
Photo: Soon magazine.