If your son is obese, know how to help him lose weight

As children get older, they increase obesity Worse, the majority of young people are overweight as a result of poor eating habits and insufficient exercise. Lack of intervention can make your child more susceptible to chronic diseases. In the following lines, we will explain lifestyle changes that can help in losing weight in children who obese, according to the website.ndtv“.

Lifestyle changes to help beat childhood obesity:


Buy, prepare and serve the foods you want your child to consume, give them the freedom to decide how much and what kind of meals they eat.

Include your child’s favorite foods in the family meal.

Be a role model for others, make sure your little one is watching that you are eating a balanced diet.

Involve children in basic meal preparation, such as cutting salads.

Even if you get a negative response at first, keep offering healthy foods.

Help your child decide when to eat.

Playing sports

Let your little one see you exercise too.

Encourage outdoor play.

Help your child balance fun activities with individual sports like swimming and dancing.

Find an activity that is fun, accessible, economical and appropriate for your child’s age and skill level, inquire regarding options with your child’s physical education teacher

Be encouraging and supportive Some children are embarrassed and uncomfortable because of their physical appearance or attractiveness.

Lifestyle change

Reduce sedentary activities including watching TV, watching videos, using laptops, and playing games on personal screens.

For children aged five and over, these activities should last no more than two hours each day; For children between the ages of two and five years, they should last no more than one hour a day.

Avoid watching TV and eating In conclusion, instilling a better lifestyle for your child is a team effort, it is important to stay motivated and not give up.



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