Seven effective home remedies to alleviate the symptoms – Heilpraxis

Seven home remedies for common cold

Of the Herbst is here and with it the time of runny noses and scratchy necks. colds are widespread at this time of the year – in most cases, however, the infections are mild. The symptoms associated with colds can often be replaced by well-tried ones home remedies alleviate.

One a cold come three days, stay three days and go three days, that’s the rule of thumb. In most cases, the infections cannot be shortened, but many can home remedies contribute to better well-being and make the illnesses more bearable.

Drink lots of water and tea

Basically, you should drink a lot when you have a cold. Two liters or more water or herbal tea are best suited for this. A homemade one Ingwer-Tee is the classic for all colds.

The anti-inflammatory active ingredients in gingers contribute to the relief of Sore throat, Cough and nausea and the liquid absorbed promotes the flow of mucus, with which the pathogens are carried out of the body.

The preparation is very simple: a piece regarding five centimeters long Organic Ginger wash and cut into slices. Place the pieces in a suitable container and pour over a liter of boiling water. The whole pull for ten minutes and season with a little honey if necessary.

Inhaling hot water vapor

once morest one stuffy nose and coughing can the inhaling water vapour help. The hot steam loosens the stuck mucus in the nose and bronchi. All you need is a bowl of hot water with some salt dissolved in it. Then inhale the steam with a towel over your head.

The inhalation becomes more intense by adding Camomile, sage, Thymian, fir or Japanese mint oil. The water vapor should come from a distance of regarding 30 centimeters to be inhaled.

Soup for a cold

A freshly cooked one chicken soup is one of the best-known and most effective home remedies for colds, especially if you make the soup yourself, as canned soups often contain large amounts of salt and additives.

A few ingredients can also be used to make a homemade soup more effective. These include, for example garlic, Ginger and Mushrooms. You can find a recipe for a healthy chicken soup here: “Chicken noodle soup: The classic for colds“.

potato wrap

A Wrap with hot potatoes can soothe a sore throat and reduce the urge to cough. For one wrap you need five soft-boiled potatoes, which are mashed while still warm in a cloth. Then roll up the cloth and wrap it around your neck or on your chest until the potatoes are cool.

Detailed instructions for the wrap can be found here: “Potato wraps – application and effect“.

Nasal douche frees the upper respiratory tract

At a nasal rinse becomes the nasal cavity with a saline solution rinsed to clean it from germs and settled mucus. The rinse can be used for both Prevention of colds as well as at acute infections be used.

The easiest way to rinse your nose is with a commercially available plastic nasal douche. A 0.9 percent saline solution should be used (nine grams of Himalayan or sea salt to one liter of lukewarm water), since at this concentration the nasal mucous membranes not be attacked.

Gargling for a sore throat

Gargling with saline solution can relieve acute sore throat and hoarseness. A salt solution for gargling can be prepared in no time at all. Simply stir a teaspoon of salt into 250 milliliters of lukewarm water. The salt water has a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and antibacterial effect.

For optimal effect should every two to three hours for five minutes gargled with a salt water solution. Alternatively, this can also be done onion juice or a Sage and/or chamomile decoction be used.

Fruits and vegetables for diarrhea

With many colds Diarrhea appear. Offer instead of reaching for cola and pretzel sticks Apples, carrots and bananas a healthier alternative to counteract diarrhea. The contained swelling substances provide relief.

Seek medical help in severe cases

Under the generic term cold or Flu numerous mostly harmless infectious diseases are summarized. In most cases, home remedies can make the infections more bearable. But even traditional methods have their limits.

In some cases, infections can take a severe course, especially when it comes to the real flu (influenza) or to COVID-19 acts. In addition, in rare cases, a cold can lead to complications such as lung infection come. Medical help should be sought if

  • the symptoms do not go away on their own following a few days,
  • the symptoms appear suddenly and do not creep in slowly,
  • Affected under high Fever leiden,
  • intensive shortness of breath occurs
  • Sufferers experience severe and persistent fatigue and exhaustion feel.

For more home remedies to relieve the symptoms of a cold, see the article: “Home remedies for a cold – that can work“. (vb)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the specifications of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


Graduate editor (FH) Volker Blasek


  • Ursula Uhlemayr, Dietmar Wolz: “Wraps and pads: Advice, selection and application”, Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, 2015
  • Mannfried Pahlow: The big book of medicinal plants: Healthy through the healing powers of nature, Verlag Nikol (August 1, 2013)
  • Bachmann C: Ginger: spice and medicinal plant – little known and underestimated therapeutic properties, in: Swiss Journal for Holistic Medicine, 28, 9-13, 2016, barren
  • AOK: Grandma’s home remedies: 7 simple tips for a cold (published: 07/21/2017),
  • ENT doctors online: inhalation (accessed: September 27, 2022),

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.



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