It has never been so expensive: why this inflation on the price of chicken?

Why such a rise ? To find out, head to a farm in Sarthe. Here, the poultry are raised in the open air; they have to be fed several times a day with cereals, the prices of which per tonne are constantly rising. “A wheat that we bought at 150 euros, now we will be at more than 300 euros. The consequence is that we spend a lot more to feed our poultry”, explains Stéphanie Toutain-Touchet, breeder.

There is also gas to heat the sheds. It is essential for the growth of the chicks. Stéphanie has done her accounts, for a year, her expenses have increased by 30%. “All the increases have been passed on to the selling prices, so we can say that for the moment, it is going quite well”she adds.



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