Prepared by: Randa Gerges
1- The benefits of drinking water are numerous for the necessity of life and human health, such as: expelling toxins, transporting nutrients and regulating body temperature, and the benefits increase for the renal system in particular, as eating a sufficient amount of water contributes to increasing the ability of the kidneys to filter waste and toxins from the blood through Way of urination, prevention of dehydration and stones.
Coconut water is one of the natural drinks that contains a low percentage of sugar and acidity and has no calories, and is rich in a high rate of electrolytes that promote healthy kidney function.
2- The drink cranberry juice is characterized by its red color and pungent taste, and its benefits for urinary tract systems and cleansing the kidneys of excess calcium oxalate, because it contains compounds that can stop the growth of colon bacteria, which cause 80-90% of urinary tract infections and infections, and research has confirmed that Consuming one glass of cranberry juice daily reduces the frequency of this infection in women.
3- Citrus juices contain a high percentage of citrate levels, and lemon juice is one of the drinks that contribute to reducing the formation of stones and cleaning the kidneys, and a glass of fresh lemon juice daily helps to get rid of toxins from the body.
4- Eating apple cider vinegar contributes to removing toxins from the body and promoting the health of the organs, especially the kidneys. The acids in this drink, such as citric acid, acetic acid and phosphorous acid, work to break down and prevent the formation of kidney stones.
5- Carrots contain many nutrients that are beneficial to the health of the body, such as fiber, carotene, which helps fight cancer and remove toxins and heavy metals from the kidneys and liver.
6- A moderate intake of grape juice helps maintain the renal system, and also protects the heart of kidney patients, according to recent research presented at the meeting of the US National Kidney Foundation.
7- Recent studies have proven the importance of juices extracted from vegetables such as celery, cucumber, spinach and lettuce, as it was found that they are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, in addition to their multiple benefits in promoting the health of the kidneys.
8- Pineapple is classified among the fruits rich in nutrients and antioxidants. It also contains a phytonutrient called “bromelain”, an enzyme that enhances kidney function, supports the immune system and calms irritation.
9- Beetroot contains betaine, a plant chemical that has antioxidant properties and increases the acidity of urine, and also contributes to the removal of calcium phosphate and the accumulation of struvite from the kidneys, and reduces the formation of stones.
10- Green tea is considered one of the best drinks that enhances the functioning of the kidneys, because it contains antioxidants, removes toxins and improves metabolism.