Saudi Arabia.. Details of the killing of a security man run over after a humanitarian situation

The brother of the Saudi security man, who was run over by a car while performing his work in Al-Ahsa Governorate, east of the Kingdom, during the Saudi National Day celebrations, revealed the details of the incident that caused an uproar in the country.

Tawfiq Al-Kulaib, the brother of the deceased security man, Fahd Al-Kulaib, said on Monday that the security services arrested the driver who ran over his brother, noting that “investigations are still ongoing regarding the incident,” according to the website.24 . news“.

Regarding the details of the day of the accident, he said that his brother was performing his duties in the security patrols normally, and half an hour before the end of his work he helped a woman pass the main street on her way to the park gate.

When the security man returned to his patrol car, he was run over by a car driven by a “reckless young man” at a crazy speed, according to his statement.

He indicated that he received a call that his brother had just had a traffic accident, but he learned of his death on his way to the hospital.

A circulating picture of a Saudi security man

He stressed that “the security and justice services will take their course in the case,” noting that “the waiver procedures in the case are premature,” according to “Akhbar 24”.

In conjunction with Saudi Arabia’s celebrations of the 92nd National Day, Friday, a security man was run over in the vicinity of King Abdullah Environmental Park in Al-Ahsa Governorate, following he assisted a woman and her child, according to the newspaper.City“.

Social networking sites in Saudi Arabia were buzzing with the news of the death of a security man from his injuries following a car collided with a “reckless driver”.

Activists circulated video clips of the security man before his death, talking regarding his “heroism and humanitarian stances.”

The security man had helped a mother and her child cross the King Abdullah Ring Road, because they were afraid of crossing the speed of cars, and he died on the same road on the same day at the hands of a reckless driver.



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