Geagea to Twenty 30: If the opposition agrees on my name for the presidency, I am ready.. Saudi Arabia will not cooperate with any president that is not comfortable with him.

“If the majority of the opposition agrees on my name for the presidency, I am ready for that and to prepare my electoral platform,” Samir Geagea, head of the Lebanese Forces party, announced on the issue of the presidential election.

In an interview with the “Twenty 30” program on LBCI, he said, “My goal is not to make a president of the republic, and we have to be humble, even if we have the largest parliamentary bloc, and because the goal is to deliver a president of the republic.”

He added, “The presidency of the republic does not need a person to be a technocrat, but rather he must be a politician par excellence.”

He continued, “If I reach the presidency, I say to Hezbollah that the state in the past years was weak and Israel was in the south, but today there is a state that must be established, according to my reading, Saudi Arabia will not cooperate with any president that is not comfortable with him in Lebanon at all.”

He revealed that “we are in dire need of a “new” President of the Republic, who begins a new path in the country and breaks the practice taking place today, the latest of which is what happened in a budget discussion.”

Geagea pointed out that “the discussion began with several names for the presidency with the opposition deputies, and I will not enter the nomination now for the necessities of the electoral battle.”

He considered that “the ruling system in the last ten years is Hezbollah, the Free Patriotic Movement and the Amal Movement with their allies.”

He stressed, “The most appropriate for us was to stay on the side of the covenant, but the great dispute began over the electricity plan, even though we did not get the shares agreed upon in the first government, and we did not comment on the issue.”

Geagea said, “Suleiman Franjieh, regardless of the personal relationship with him, is from the other side, and this is enough, and there is no veto on him, but the issue is a matter of options.”

He pointed out that “if we had not gone to the Maarab agreement, worse than this agreement would have happened.”

Geagea declared, “The relationship still exists with the Progressive Socialist Party, and there is no rupture between us.”

He said, “We do not tolerate any Khanfouchari settlement, because any such solution may extend the crisis, and we do not see any solution except by choosing a president who has the required specifications.”

He explained, “From the first moment, I was misunderstood regarding the nomination of Army Commander Joseph Aoun. I literally said that we would not be once morest his candidacy for the presidency, but it is better to go towards a political candidate.”

He considered that, “If Hezbollah meets the specifications of the next president, Katar Khairallah, and there will be no political contact between us at all.”

Geagea said, “Theoretically, the party and ISIS are two sides of the same coin, but the difference is that ISIS wants to carry out its project immediately and with violence, and the party fought ISIS to protect Bashar al-Assad and the Lebanese army and security forces are the ones who deterred ISIS from Lebanon.”

He added, “There is no difference between forming a government and not forming it now. If a serious government is born, I am with it, but if it is a Khanfoushari government, then the matter does not matter to me.”

Geagea stressed that “Gebran Bassil is the obstructionist today because he wants the lion’s share in the government formation and wants a pledge on the issue of appointments.”

Regarding his relationship with the Phalangists, the Ahrar and the Socialist, Geagea pointed out that “we went back with the Phalange Companions,” and what unites us with them is much greater than the rest.

He stressed that he would not accept a television interview with Gibran Bassil because “what is written is read from its title.”

In the context of the August 4 explosion, he said, “After the dismissal of Judge Bitar, we returned and moved the file of the International Fact-Finding Committee, because in this matter there is no salvation except through this solution.”

In a question regarding the dismissal of the Governor of the Banque du Liban, he said, “I am with his dismissal today in the context of public accountability, but within a clear plan. I am once morest dismissing him to bring someone worse than him.”

Geagea stressed that “the one responsible for the drowning of more than 100 people at sea is the absence of the state and the ruling system, and to start a solution, we must start the rescue operation.”

He pointed out that “any idea of ​​a federation or a non-sectarian system or anything else must be approved by the majority of Lebanese groups.”

He declared that “the system is the most difficult aspect of change, and the easiest aspect of change is the men of the system.”

“I blame some of the changers, because some of them inherited ideas from the days of the war,” Geagea said.

In the file of maritime border demarcation, he saw that “the demarcation will be decided soon and has nothing to do with normalization with Israel.”

He stressed that “in the file of border demarcation, Hezbollah’s words are all fraud and deception. This file is not new, and when Hezbollah learned that the file was nearing its end, the objection began only to delay the matter.”



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