“Modern Warfare 2” Beta Player Praying for Dead Silence Skill Isn’t Really Quiet

Anyone who has tried the beta testing experience ever wondered if the Why is it that when we activate the skill field upgrade, it reduces the sound of footsteps in the game? But the enemy ran to us instead, as if knowing the location. Today we have the answer!

Among the many positive feedbacks of the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 That gave fans a chance to taste it first during last weekend’s beta. However, the game is still subjected to quite a number of negative trends as well. whether it is a matter of hacking problems, distorted display or a game system that favors these ambush campers too But one of the big problems that many people worry regarding and get complained regarding the most must be thumbs up. Dead Silence Talents, which are unlocked as rewards for level 30 players, don’t seem worth farming at all.

Dead Silence is a problematic skill in MW2.
As for the Dead Silence skill, its function is to soften the sound of the character’s footsteps while walking or running. In previous Call of Duty games, it was a perk skill where you can choose an equip set, attach it to the loadout and have it permanently displayed throughout the match as long as we keep it. using such loadouts, butIn this second Modern Warfare, it was converted into a Field Upgrade skill that not only we had to activate by ourselves, but also to use it by ourselves. Effects are temporary. And have to wait for the cooldown time to be able to use it once more But we also face side effects that conflict with its principle of operation.

From the latest evidence video clips that have been published on social media Has shown gamers around the world to clearly see the sting of the action camp. and the development team of Infinity Ward, who secretly punish wading and stealth players. By requiring the Dead Silence upgrade field skill to beep to alert enemies following each activation. So that players who are camping by the fire know that an opponent is sneaking and rubbing their back. Because the skill’s effect lasts for a short time, it forces us to activate it in the vicinity where the enemy is expected to be. And with that closeness, it caused a loud beep to reach the ears, causing the enemy group to panic regarding our location.

Of course, when this story was published would create dissatisfaction with a broad group of players Because this is like a deliberately amputating kick to bully a boo-hoo player. In spite of the Infinity Ward team has previously announced that their game is ready to support all playing styles. No matter how exploitative or annoying the style may be. But their actions contradict their words. However, this is only a beta testing period. It is unlikely that any issues will be addressed and fixed when the game will be released on all platforms on October 28th (hopefully…)

Information and illustrations from

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