Watch .. a way to sit down reduces blood sugar by 50% • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The head of the cardiac catheterization department at the Guard Hospital in Riyadh, Dr. Kamal Ayoub, revealed a study indicating the possibility of lowering blood sugar while sitting.

And he posted a video clip through his account on the social networking site “Twitter” showing a sitting method that helps lower blood sugar.

The video was accompanied by a comment in which he said: “Can you lower your blood sugar while you are sitting? .

He continued, according to this study, the answer is yes. Researchers at the University of Houston have found that moving the calf according to the method shown in the video lowers blood sugar levels by 50%.

He added, it also reduces the need for insulin by 60% and also lowers cholesterol and triglycerides.



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