He responded for the failures in the custody of Cristina Kirchner on the day of the attack. Regarding José Luis Espert’s request for a “bullet” to stop the protests, he said that “assholes are everywhere.”
The Minister of National Security, Hannibal Fernandezreferred once more this Saturday to attack once morest Cristina Kirchner and answered the criticism that fell on him for the failures in the custody of the vice president that day.
It was in dialogue with AM 990 where the national official referred to the event that occurred in early September. In addition, he criticized the deputy José Luis Espert for his statements in recent days and gave his opinion on the road causein which they accuse the former president of corruption.
“The attack was a situation that not even Argentines thought we were going to go through once more. It is a very fine assessment and one has to seriously learn from what is happening,” he said regarding the assassination attempt.
In this sense, he affirmed once once more that for him there is ‘others’ behind the attack once morest the vice president for which Fernando Sabag Montiel, Brenda Uliarte, Gabriel Carrizo and Agustina Díaz are detained.
“When you look at the characters that participated, none of them have any particular training or formation of any characteristic, so I think more and more that above these people there is some sinister mind that is incentivizing. We are going to find those responsible,” he said.
Then he referred to the criticism once morest him for the failures in the custody of Cristina Kirchner during that night, with whom he revealed that he had spoken and assured that “the attack did not change her mood because she is a strong woman.”
It was blunt: “In Argentina, everyone talks regarding football, medicine and security, and most of them don’t know anything.”.
“I already saw myself in those analyzes that appear that they want to kill someone, but I am not willing to accept that this happens. The work that one does is with knowledge. We know what was done, the photos of where the custody was at the time and how I was working,” he added.
He also targeted those who blamed him for the act, whom he described as people “who want to seek dramatic and bloody conclusions to feel that they have complied with part of the solutions.”
In another sense, Aníbal Fernández also harshly criticized deputy José Luis Espert following being consulted regarding a statement that the deputy gave in recent days, in which he asked for a “bullet” to stop protests.
“Well, we can’t be behind these things either, the idiots are everywhere. You can’t be behind these situations. They are guys who are absent from politics, they wet the croissant by chance. They believe that this segment that Argentina has had he pays for his political proposals for saying this kind of stupidity,” he fired at the liberal legislator.
Finally, he briefly referred to the Vialidad case, in which they asked for 12 years in prison for Cristina Kirchner, accused of corruption in public works.
“It is evident that they seek to harm her from the point of view of the image to take advantage because they cannot otherwise. Now we have to wait for the sentence to be handed down, but it seems to me that the roads are narrower every time,” he said.
And he concluded: “I try to get rid of the anticipated results in terms of Justice because I have to work with them every day. But I know Cristina, I know the situation, I have signed a lot of the files that are being the subject of this today discussion and I know what the result is. We have to wait for the ruling and I think there will be an answer”.
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