Five recommendations to burn body fat in a short time

For many people, losing weight is not only an aesthetic issue, but also a health one. When carrying out this process, it is important to understand that success in having a healthy body lies in diet and exercise.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), no matter what your weight loss goal is, Even if you lose a modest amount, such as 5% of your total body weight, there are likely to be beneficial health outcomes.

A simple way to measure obesity is with the body mass index (BMI). This is a simple indicator of the relationship between weight and height, which is frequently used to identify overweight and obesity in adults.

To calculate the BMI it is necessary to know the weight in kilograms and the height in meters. After having these data, the following mathematical formula is applied: BMI= Weight (Kg) / Height squared (Mt).

For example, if a person weighs 60 Kg and is 1.6 meters tall, the formula is applied as follows: 65/ 1.6 X 1.6= 25.39. It can be done from any calculator, be it the physical one at home, the cell phone or the computer.

Likewise, the specialized portal better with health listed a series of recommendations with which it is possible to burn body fat, and which should be consulted with a health specialist to avoid damage to the body:

1. Eliminate stress: according to Salud180, stress can cause weight gain. In a study by Yale University in the United States, it was possible to identify that in this condition the neurons are overstimulated causing “insomnia and as a result increased appetite at night”.

2. Do high intensity exercise: according to Men’s Healththese can help burn fat, so they are the best method to lose weight. The fundamental thing in this type of physical activity is the effort and rest between series. If you are a beginner, it is advisable to start between 15 to 30 intense seconds of exercise.

3. Sleep well: sleep is essential for optimal health and is also ideal for losing weight, as lack of sleep causes adipocytes (fat cells) to release less leptin, the appetite-suppressing hormone, according to the Spanish Heart Foundation.

4. Do not go from diet to diet: it is counterproductive to start a diet in which you stop eating. These may have short-term benefits, but Its long-term repercussions can be excessive weight gain or develop conditions in the body.

5. Drink water: a study found in the repository of the United States National Library of Medicine explains that water burns calories and speeds up metabolism. There it is pointed out that drinking half a liter of water a day burns exactly 23 calories, which at the end of a year represents two kilos less.

Despite the above, there are people who, although they strive to burn fat, do not see the results reflected. This may be due, according to the portal long live my health, to two mistakes made by individuals:

  • Overconfidence in light products: Although these products contain fewer calories than the others, it does not mean that their content in sugars and additives are not harmful to the body. Therefore, like foods that do not contain this word, care should be taken with portions.
  • Abuse of shakes: These types of liquids can contain many vitamins, but also many calories. For the above, you have to take into account what ingredients are used so that the added calories do not affect the process of weight loss.

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