War in Ukraine: the Russian ministry unveils the list of professions exempted by the mobilization

Vladimir Putin announced on Wednesday the “partial mobilization” of its population, to replenish the ranks of the Russian army in Ukraine and consolidate the lines following a series of setbacks in the Donbass and the Kharkiv region. Since then, panic has won over Russians of fighting age, who are trying by the hundreds to flee russia. Demonstrations also took place in several cities across the country. The Russian Ministry of Defense intends to recruit 300,000 reservists, which represents, according to the institution, 1% of the number of people who can be mobilized in Russia.

The men concerned by the mobilization are contacted by mail, but there are exemptions for certain categories of the population. Age and health obviously come into play in determining who is fit to fight, but the Russian ministry also determined and unveiled a list of workers exempt from mobilization on Friday. This is how, according to the BBC, computer scientists, bankers and journalists working for the state media will escape the military call. These men must continue to work to “guarantee the work of certain high-tech industries, as well as the Russian financial system”, the Defense Ministry said.

It is the employers who are responsible for determining the exempted workers in order to send the list to the authorities.



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