What is the best way to reduce fever? Drink cold water and wash off with ice water. Get well soon? | Hfocus.org Insights into the health system

During the rainy season, it rains continuously in many areas. It makes both children and adults get sick easily with flu symptoms. For caring for patients with fever Initially, you should wipe yourself to reduce body temperature. But there is a controversy as to whether should use warm water Room temperature water or cold water in this case Dr. Poj Inthalaphaporn, Head of Infectious Diseases Division, Internal Medicine Group Rajavithi Hospital Tell Hfocus that wiping is a good way to reduce fever. To wipe yourself using normal temperature tap water. Do not use warm water or cold water by wiping high temperature areas such as head, neck, armpits, groin. Applying compresses for a while will help reduce fever. However, if using normal temperature water and still have a high fever. The gel can be refrigerated to reduce fever. Wrap the gel with a thin towel and apply it on the area. armpit or groin But it is not recommended to use ice.

As for the belief that a thick blanket and sweating will help reduce fever. Dr. Poj Explain that if there is no chills A towel is enough. an increase in body temperature Natural mechanisms also have a way of expelling heat from the body through the skin. Covering it with a heavy blanket, it makes it harder for the skin to cool off. The body temperature is even higher compared to that while not having a fever. When you wear thick clothes, you can still feel hot. Sweating because it feels hot

“The mechanism that sweat is because the body tries to lower the temperature. By sweating out so that heat is released through the sweat. evaporate on the skin Sweating is one of the mechanisms in reducing fever of the body. But there’s no need to cover up with a heavy blanket to sweat. The thicker the blanket, the hotter it gets. The body must sweat. It increases the body’s fever. It is recommended to wear normal clothing and a light blanket is sufficient. allow the body to cool off Unless it’s really chilling.” Dr. Poj said

As for drinking water for those who have a fever. Should I drink warm water? Dr. Poj He added that drinking normal room temperature water was sufficient. when the body has a fever The higher the temperature, the more sweat will cause the body to sweat to cool off. water has evaporated The body is already losing water. Drinking water is to lower body temperature. Replace the water in the body that evaporates into sweat. Compared to car radiators Not enough water, must add water to the radiator of the car. The body is like a machine. If dehydration will increase the body temperature. Drinking plain water will help your body temperature return to normal faster. There is no need to drink hot or cold water.

For the reasons that cause the body to have a fever. Dr. Poj Added that being in the rain doesn’t mean that the body has to have a fever. But when there is a change in weather or a rainy season, some people with allergy problems may have a damp nose, runny nose, inhale mist that contains germs in the environment, it will adhere to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. It is easy to get a cold from a virus. When the body is infected with germs The immune system will work to protect the body. The work of the immune system that is white blood cells or antibodies from vaccination or when you have been sick with an infection before These immunity work by increasing the number. It produces a wide variety of chemicals to deal with incoming foreign objects. These substances will stimulate the immune system to work more. It is a substance that communicates between the immune system. May stimulate the pituitary gland in the hypothalamus which has a center that controls body temperature When I realized that the chemicals were more than usual. It will set a new body temperature higher than the original 37 degrees Celsius to prevent bacteria or viruses from multiplying. which is the body’s natural mechanism to deal with germs

“During the rainy season, the optimum temperature allows germs, viruses and bacteria to multiply. Therefore, there are many types of virus epidemic. The chances of inhaling the virus into the body are very likely. Therefore, it is easy to infect the virus from the environment. Because the environment will have droplets, secretions from people who are sick and cough and sneeze mixed with the environment. especially in areas where the air is not ventilated.” Dr. Pott concluded



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