Half of 230 pilot whales beached on Australian beach

A large number of whales have beached on the west coast of Tasmania, Australia. (Photo / Dazhi / Associated Press, the same below)

[周刊王CTWANT] In Tasmania, Australia, on the 21st, 230 whales were stranded. Authorities said only half of those whales were presumed to be pilot whales. A few days ago, 14 sperm whales were also found stranded on an island off the southeast coast.

according to《npr》A member of the public said a large number of beached whales might be seen in (Macquarie Harbour) Macquarie Harbour. Tasmania’s Department of Natural Resources and Environment said rescue groups had brought equipment to the rescue. “Whales are a protected species and it is illegal to disturb a carcass even if they are dead.”

A rescuer pours water on a stranded whale.A rescuer pours water on a stranded whale.

A rescuer pours water on a stranded whale.

Two years ago, 470 pilot whales were stranded on a beach in Tasmania, the largest stranding ever recorded in Australia. After a week of rescue efforts by the authorities, 111 were rescued, but the rest died.

On the northern coast of Melbourne and Tasmania, 14 sperm whales were found stranded on the 19th. Olaf Meynecke, a marine scientist at Griffith University, said it was unusual for sperm whales to wash ashore. “Rising temperatures may change the food source for whales, and they go to different areas to feed.” Menecke said that if the whales did this, , which means that their physical condition is actually poor, and starving whales need to take more risks closer to the coast.

according to《BBC》According to the report, wildlife scientist Vanessa Pirotta said that this mass stranding has similarities to the last one, and that the same species, location, and time of year is an unusual and worrying phenomenon. Phenomenon. She said the whales may have been lost or frightened to reach the shallower waters, “but the cause of the stranding remains a mystery, including in Tasmania.”

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