Healthy eating habits

A healthy diet is one that provides the nutrients that the body needs to maintain the proper functioning of the body. In addition to preventing malnutrition, it also helps reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases.

The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that among the diseases that can develop having bad eating habits, are diabetescancer, cerebrovascular accidents and diseases associated with the heart.

Likewise, a good diet prevents the appearance of being overweight or obese, two conditions that can trigger the diseases mentioned above and additionally, bring problems to the bones, joints and muscles.

There are a variety of methods to lead healthy eating habits. In fact, the Colombian Ministry of Health made a list of routines that should be followed to have a balanced diet that contributes to the body, instead of destroying it:

1. Decrease the consumption of saturated fats and avoid fast foods: the consumption of these fats is one of the most harmful to health and can be found in pastry products, cookies and desserts. As for fast foods, they are highly caloric, abundant in fat and poor in nutrients.

2. Limit salt intake: Although it is the main source of sodium in the diet, its high consumption contributes to high blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, according to the WHO.

3. Monitor body weight: this can be done by measuring the body mass index. To calculate it, it is necessary to know the weight in kilograms and the height in meters. After having these data, the following mathematical formula is applied: BMI= Weight (Kg) / Height squared (Mt).

4. Eat varied and nutritious foods daily: if the diet is varied from day to day, it can be more nutritious and enjoyable. The important thing is that it includes all food groups such as fruits, vegetables, meats, cereals, dairy products, among others.

5. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables: it is advisable to consume around three fruits and two vegetables daily. Thus, the vitamins and minerals present in these foods will be reflected in the health of the organism.

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6. Avoid the consumption of sugary drinks: soda is considered part of those drinks that contain a large amount of added sugar among its compounds. The calories in sugary drinks can contribute to weight gain and provide little or no nutritional value.

7. Select and prefer whole foods: These have a greater nutritional contribution. They provide the body mainly with vitamin E, B complex and some minerals. In addition, they provide great energy to the body. These include breads, cereals, and rice.

Taking into account the above, some specialized portals such as Eurofitness have listed superfoods that should be present in a healthy diet.

  • Avocado: It contains healthy fatty acids, plus it can help speed up metabolism, controlling fat levels in the blood and providing a feeling of fullness, according to the daily WomanToday.
  • Salmon: Thanks to the fact that it is a great source of omega-3, it contributes to reducing fatigue during exercise and to subsequent recovery. It also oxygenates the muscles and facilitates their regeneration.
  • Beetroot: With every 100 grams of this food, only 43 calories are ingested, making it very light and healthy for those who want to lose weight. Also, “increases muscle strength, contains folic acid and vitamins: C, B1, B2, B3 and B6”, explains Eurofitness.

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