‘Co-prosperity with partners’…Samsung Electronics selected as ‘Best Company for Shared Growth’ for 11 consecutive years

Samsung Electronics was the first Korean company to receive the highest grade for 11 consecutive years in the ‘2021 Shared Growth Index Evaluation’ selected by the Shared Growth Committee.

Samsung Electronics is the only company that has received the highest rating for 11 consecutive years since 2011, when the win-win growth index evaluation was introduced. Last year, it was also selected as the ‘Best Honorary Company’ given to a company that obtained the highest grade for three consecutive years.

The win-win growth index is a quantified index that evaluates and quantifies the level of win-win growth for each company every year to promote win-win growth between large and small businesses.


Samsung Electronics is conducting various win-win cooperation activities under the core value of ‘Pursuit of Win-win and Jeong-Do Management’, and is expanding the horizon of win-win cooperation by supporting not only primary suppliers, but also secondary and tertiary suppliers, as well as non-traded SMEs. .

In 2005, Samsung Electronics became the first Korean company to pay the transaction amount to a partner in cash, taking the lead in improving the culture of payment for transactions by domestic companies.

In 2017, we established a price support fund (500 billion won) to support transactions between primary and secondary suppliers, and in 2018, we created a price support fund (300 billion won) dedicated to tertiary suppliers, so that the transaction amount between suppliers can be paid in cash within 30 days. loan without interest. In addition, not only raw material prices but also the increase in the minimum wage are reflected in the unit price of delivery.

Since 2010, Samsung Electronics has established a win-win fund worth 1.4 trillion won to provide low-interest loans to partner companies for technology development and facility investment. In addition, since 2010, incentives worth 500 billion won have been paid to semiconductor suppliers to prevent safety accidents and improve quality.

Samsung Electronics is operating the ‘Consulting Center’, a win-win cooperation academy composed of experts in manufacturing, quality, development, and purchasing.

Through this, we support the optimization of factory operation and innovation of manufacturing and quality by discovering and improving the problems of partner companies such as reduced productivity and defects. In addition, it is helping to improve cost competitiveness by improving inefficiencies and reducing costs by passing on the cost innovation cases of Samsung Electronics accumulated over the years to partner companies. For the past nine years, it has provided consulting services to over 1,600 partner companies, all free of charge.

Officials explaining Samsung Electronics’ open patents at the ‘2022 1st Excellent Technology Briefing’ held at Suwon Convention Center in Gyeonggi Province in June (Photo=Samsung Electronics)

In addition, to support partner companies in discovering future growth engines, we have been holding technology briefing sessions to introduce technologies owned by domestic universities and research institutes since 2009. By August this year, regarding 1,900 cases were transferred free of charge by opening the patents held by Samsung Electronics to untraded SMEs.

Since 2013, it has contributed regarding 20 billion won to the ‘joint investment type technology development project’ with the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. This year, an additional 30 billion won of a new fund will be created to support next-generation technologies and ESG technologies for five years.

Samsung Electronics supports human resource development through the ‘win-win cooperation academy’ established in 2013 for shared growth with business partners.

This place is ▲ a ‘consulting center’ that supports partner companies’ innovation ▲ a ‘education center’ that supports education courses such as innovation, job duties, technology, and leadership ▲ a ‘young job site’ that supports the recruitment of talents from partner companies that have difficulties in securing talent center’, etc.

Various education programs equivalent to the Samsung employee training course were provided to 160,000 employees of partner companies, and 4,500 employees were recruited through Samsung partner job fairs and online recruitment centers for partner companies. From the second half of this year, it has been developed into a ‘comprehensive consulting tailored to business partners’ that efficiently supports consulting/education/recruitment support activities that have been carried out separately so far, and is running a pilot operation.

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Representatives and officials of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who attended the ‘2022 Smart Factory Kick-off Event’ held at Samsung Electronics’ Gwangju Campus on September 2, looking around the Precision Mold Center (Photo=Samsung Electronics)

Since 2015, Samsung Electronics has been supporting the establishment of customized smart factories for manufacturing innovation of poor SMEs.

Since 2018, in cooperation with the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and the Korea Federation of SMEs, regarding 200 Samsung experts have been put into the field to provide comprehensive support for manufacturing site innovation, manpower training, and follow-up management. To this end, Samsung Electronics and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups will invest a total of 100 billion won each by 10 billion won each year until 2022.



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