Abdou Touré, initiator of the #QuartierVertChallenge, dreams of transforming Dakar into a green city

Published on : 20/09/2022 – 10:04

To denounce the state of the streets near his home in the Senegalese capital, Abdou Touré multiplied the videos and launched the hashtag #QuartierVertChallenge. This collective action initiative consists of cleaning up your neighborhood among neighbors, picking up garbage together in your street and planting trees. Abdou Touré not only converted his neighbors in Dakar, but he also inspired other cities in Senegal and created emulators in 15 other countries on the continent.

Abdou Touré’s approach has already been told by France 24 Observers in June 2022.

The worrying decline of the mangroves in Gabon

The mangrove continues to lose ground in Gabon where 70 hectares have been destroyed over the past 3 years, north of Libreville. A disappearance that is accelerating despite the alerts of environmental defense organizations and the rules set by the government. At issue: the construction of new housing and hotels. A situation that is already impacting the environment and the local economy, in particular the collection of shellfish.

Liana bridges, sacred tradition of the Yacouba in Ivory Coast

They span rivers and precipices to connect villages and provide links between different communities. The vine bridges of the Yacouba people, living in the West from Ivory Coast, constitute a unique cultural heritage. Only a dozen of these footbridges remain in the region, considered as divine gifts. Their construction has been a well-kept secret for several dozen generations.



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