the vaccination campaign starts on October 18

This year once more, the anti-influenza campaign might be concomitant with the fall campaign once morest Covid-19. For the sake of organization and logistics, the High Authority for Health (HAS) recommends combining the two campaigns, which will both begin on October 18, 2022.

Eligible people might receive the anti-Covid vaccine and the flu vaccine (one injection in each arm) at the same time. As a reminder, the previous vaccination campaign had been extended until February 28, 2022, in a context still very marked by the Covid-19 epidemic.

Who is concerned ?
The flu affects between 2 and 6 million people every winter. It is responsible for many hospitalizations and deaths, especially among frail people.

A vaccination campaign is organized each year by the Ministry of Health and the HAS, which define the dates.

From October 18 to November 15, 2022, vaccination will be reserved for people at risk, as recommended by the High Health Authority:
– people aged 65 and over;
– people under the age of 65 suffering from certain chronic illnesses;
– pregnant women ;
– people suffering from obesity (BMI equal to or greater than 40 kg/m2);
– the entourage of infants under 6 months at risk (who cannot be vaccinated) and immunocompromised people;
health professionals and professionals from medico-social establishments in contact with patients at risk;
– home help for vulnerable individual employers;
– professionals exposed to swine and avian influenza viruses. They are targeted for the first time as part of the 2022-2023 campaign.

To note : it takes a fortnight to benefit from the protection granted by the vaccine.

Who can benefit from the free vaccine?
The flu vaccine is fully reimbursed by Health Insurance for people at risk.

If you are concerned, you will receive from your fund an invitation and a voucher to collect the vaccine free of charge from the pharmacist on presentation of this voucher, and to be vaccinated by the professional of your choice. Persons under the age of 18 must have a medical prescription prior to vaccination.

If you are eligible but might not be identified and invited by the Health Insurance, speak to your doctor, your midwife or your pharmacist, who will be able to issue you a voucher allowing you to get the vaccine for free.

On the other hand, the vaccine is not covered by Health Insurance for other insured persons. The price of the vaccine varies between 6 and 10 € in pharmacies.

Who can vaccinate you once morest the flu?
the doctors ; the nurses ; midwives (for pregnant women and those around infants at risk); volunteer pharmacists, for adults (since October 2019, all pharmacists can perform the flu vaccination).

Reminder: it is advisable, as soon as influenza viruses circulate, to apply a series of simple actions intended to limit transmission:
– wash your hands regularly, with soap and water or with a hydroalcoholic solution;
cough or sneeze into your elbow;
– use a single-use paper handkerchief;
– wear a mask;
– limit contact with fragile or sick people.




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