Our province’s economy grew steadily in August

Our province’s economy grew steadily in August

2022-09-19 11:51:33Source: Xi’an News Network

On the 19th, the Provincial Bureau of Statistics released the national economic performance of the province in August. In August, the province’s industrial production grew steadily, the investment in fixed assets continued to improve, the consumer market continued to pick up, and the economy was generally stable.

Steady growth in industrial production and rapid growth in equipment manufacturing

In August, the added value of industries above designated size in the province increased by 4.9% year-on-year. Among them, the energy industry increased by 7.6%, and the non-energy industry increased by 1.5%.

The equipment manufacturing industry grew rapidly. In August, the added value of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 13.9% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 9.0 percentage points higher than that of the designated industry. Among them, the automobile manufacturing industry increased by 39.9%, and the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry increased by 27.6%. The production of key products was stable. In August, the output of raw coal increased by 4.1% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 7.8 percentage points higher than that in July; the power generation increased by 16.7%, 2.3 percentage points higher than that in July. Engines increased by 1.45 times; automobile production increased by 83.6%, among which, the output of new energy vehicles increased by 1.7 times.

Enterprise efficiency continued to improve. From January to July, the province’s industrial enterprises above designated size achieved an operating income of 1,921.61 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.3%; a total profit of 272.96 billion yuan, an increase of 53.1%; the operating income profit margin was 14.2%, maintaining a high level.

Steady and positive investment growth, strong support for infrastructure investment

From January to August, the province’s fixed asset investment increased by 9.7% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 0.2 percentage points higher than that from January to July. Among them, the investment in the primary industry increased by 4.1%, the investment in the secondary industry increased by 8.6%, and the investment in the tertiary industry increased by 10.6%.

In terms of investment entities, state-controlled investment maintained rapid growth. From January to August, state-owned holding investment increased by 23.2% year-on-year, 1.6 percentage points faster than that from January to July, and 13.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of all investment, driving the province’s investment to grow by 10.7 percentage points.

In terms of investment fields, infrastructure investment has strong support, and industrial investment has accelerated growth. From January to August, infrastructure investment increased by 16.4% year-on-year, the highest growth rate this year, driving the province’s investment to increase by 4.8 percentage points. Industrial investment increased by 8.4% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 0.5 percentage points higher than that from January to July; among which, manufacturing investment increased by 5.8%, and the growth rate accelerated by 1.9 percentage points.

The consumer market continues to pick up, and the accommodation and catering industry has rebounded significantly

In August, the province’s retail sales of restricted consumer goods increased by 8.6% year-on-year. From January to August, the province’s retail sales of limited consumer goods increased by 3.2% year-on-year, 0.8 percentage points higher than that from January to July.

In terms of consumption types, the lodging industry and the catering industry rebounded significantly. In August, the turnover growth rate of the limited accommodation industry turned from negative to positive, with a year-on-year increase of 27.1%, and the growth rate was 38.4 percentage points higher than that in July; the turnover of the limited catering industry increased by 9.4%, 6.1 percentage points higher than that in July.

In terms of commodity categories, daily necessities and travel categories have strong support. In August, 16 of the 23 types of retail sales recorded positive growth. Automobiles increased by 15.4% year-on-year, petroleum and products increased by 11.4%, and grains, oils, and foodstuffs increased by 11.1%.

The vitality of online consumption continued to increase, and the proportion increased. In August, the province’s sales of goods through public networks increased by 12.0% year-on-year, 6.6 percentage points higher than that in July; it accounted for 16.4% of the retail sales of consumer goods above the limit, an increase of 1 percentage point from July.

Fiscal revenue and expenditure grew steadily and the financial market was operating steadily

From January to August, the province’s local fiscal revenue was 229.446 billion yuan. Among them, various taxes were 182.624 billion yuan, an increase of 30.6% in the same caliber, accounting for 79.6% of local fiscal revenue; non-tax revenue was 46.822 billion yuan, an increase of 26.1%. The province’s fiscal expenditure was 447.034 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.2%, 1 percentage point faster than that from January to July. Among them, expenditure on energy conservation and environmental protection increased by 43.1%, expenditure on social security and employment increased by 16.3%, expenditure on health and health increased by 11.8%, and expenditure on education increased by 6.1% year-on-year.

At the end of August, the balance of RMB deposits in financial institutions in the province was 5,971.826 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.9%. The balance of various RMB loans of financial institutions was 4,738.676 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.9%.

Foreign trade continues to stabilize, trade structure continues to optimize

From January to August, the province’s total import and export volume was 320.774 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.6%, a drop of 1.5 percentage points from January to July. Among them, the total import value was 122.257 billion yuan, a decrease of 16.7%; the total export value was 198.518 billion yuan, an increase of 21.9%. The trade structure continued to be optimized. The total import and export volume of general trade was 110.136 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.2%, 0.1 percentage point higher than that from January to July; the proportion of total import and export was 34.3%, an increase of 0.2 percentage point from January to July. The total import and export volume of private enterprises accounted for 36.1% of the total import and export volume, an increase of 0.8 percentage points from January to July. (Ma Zhao, reporter of Xi’an Newspaper All Media)



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