This powerful mineral can help you sleep well and get a good night’s rest.

The insomnia is a common sleep disorder currently suffered by many people around the world. It is characterized by having difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or getting good quality sleep.

The truth is that this pathology is usually more common in older adults than in younger people, although stress, caffeine, alcohol and bad habits can cause insomnia appear at any age.

Insomnia not only affects our sleep, since, by not sleeping, it also affects other areas. For example, it makes us feel more tired and we are in a bad mood the rest of the day. In turn, it can cause irritability and can worsen job performance.

The fact of not resting all night can also increase our risk to contract some diseases.

Therefore, if you are aware that you suffer from insomnia, it is important that you try to put an end to it, carrying out some healthier habits.

You can also help with food or supplements. For example, him magnesium It is a mineral that, consumed naturally, can be very beneficial for improving sleep.

What are the benefits of taking magnesium before bed

One of the reasons magnesium may be good for sleep is because it directly influences Energy production (ATP), which is necessary for the brain to produce more melatonin, the sleep hormone, they explain from Pharma Laboratories.

According to these experts, the effect of magnesium on various brain functions and the sleep environment is still not very well defined, but it is now known that it makes our nervous system more less excitableso it promotes an adequate balance in many of its functions.

As cited by these professionals, in a study carried out in adults, “patients who received magnesium supplementation showed a significant increase in daily physical activity levels, evidenced by a decrease in fatigue or tiredness during the day, and less daytime sleepiness.

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The same research revealed that these adults also enjoyed a improvement in your sleep pattern.

Other recommendations for a good night’s sleep

In addition to taking magnesium three hours before going to sleep, there are other habits that, if you have sleep problems, it is convenient that you apply to your routine.

In this case, to avoid insomnia, it is important avoid eating large portions of foods and foods with high caloric content. Also, we should not leave to the last minute the physical activitya, since we will activate the brain and make it difficult to induce sleep.

On the other hand, you have to get a calm environment and calm in the room, making it invite rest. Regarding our bed, it is important that it has sheets with nice textures and, preferably, light colors.

It is also convenient avoid having a visible clock so that it does not subject us to a constant check of the time and take care of position while sleeping for greater comfort and relaxation.

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