Electricity and gas will be cut in homes this winter? We explain to you

A shortage of gas and electricity threatens France. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne promised that “if everyone takes their responsibilities, there will be no cuts”. That said, what does take his responsibilities ? And if there should be cuts, what would be the terms? And in what conditions ? We answer you in this article.

The words of the head of government

Tuesday August 30, 2022, on the set of Quotidien, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne wanted to allay the concerns of the French re gas shortagethis winter.

“We are not going to cut the gas in households, but it is on our businesses, the big consumers, that there might be cuts”, declared the head of government.

A promise e that she reinforced this Wednesday, September 14. On that day, the Prime Minister had a press conference devoted to the energy crisis and soaring prices. Here is what Elisabeth Borne announced in front of journalists :

“In the most likely scenarios, there will be no cuts this winter”

Thus, during the winter of 2022 neither gas nor electricity will not be cut. However, one degree more than expected on heating can be a game changer. In the worst case, can the state legally cut off the energy supply to a household?

What is pre-established in the law

Article L. 115-3 of the Code of Social Action and Families provides that during the winter break period, no electricity or gas cuts cannot be made. And this, even in the event of non-payment. What then are the conditions that might lead to a cut total or temporary current ?

The conditions for cutting off the electricity

In accordance with the decree of July 5, 1990 laying down the general guidelines for load shedding on the electrical networks, the electricity supply may be temporarily restricted or even cut off in households in the following situations:

  • When the reduction in the frequency of the electrical networks is less than 49 Hz.
  • When there are abnormal overloads on transmission or distribution works and there is no possibility of transfer to other works.
  • The drop in voltages below 380 and 210 kV

Conversely, cuts cannot be donein the following areas:

  • Hospitals
  • Signaling installations
  • Street lighting deemed essential for safety
  • Establishments relating to national defense

The conditions for turning off the gas

Decree No. 2022-495 of April 7, 2022, relating to the shedding of natural gas consumption, provides for a few measures. According to this law, gas can only be shut off “if time and circumstances permit”.

Usually, it is for safety that there is a suspension of gas. Additionally, suppliers can’t cut it remotelywhat it can do is order the consumer to turn off the power source manually.

Nationwide, a gas cut is impossible. Even in homes, this requires collaboration with the consumer . For businesses, it’s yet another story.

“The adjustment variable will be the industrialists”, estimated the president of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), Emmanuelle Wargon, taken up by Le Monde.

Cut-off conditions for this winter

Regarding the gas

One of the two transmission system operators, GRTgaz, indicates in a press release that “situations of tension might develop” this winter. That being so, the French gas reserveis sure to be able to last the whole winter season.

“Since the start of spring, the storage facilities have been properly filled: their filling rate is already 94% (84% on average in Europe) and will be close to 100% at the start of winter” , estimates GRTgaz

Thus, the state anticipated the gas shortage but what regarding electricity?

Regarding electricity

It’s not that the government didn’t plan it, it’s just that “electricity cannot be stored”. This would mean that as a last resort, power cuts might take place there. This type of load shedding is part of the Energy Code. In any case, one thing is certain: if necessary, the cuts will be under control.

“Under no circumstances does France run the risk of a ‘blackout’, in other words a total loss of control of the electricity system. RTE has the means to safeguard the electrical system that are appropriate and proportionate according to the extent of any imbalance”, indicates an operator of the electricity transmission network (RTE).

Still, the energy shortage is only a prognosis. Indeed, given the current state of affairs, it is already a certitude. Nevertheless, there will be no power cutor permanent gas during the winter.

So that the cuts don’t be too intensethe government invites every citizen to adopt a “attitude of sobriety” right now. Something that the Prime Minister seems to imply by inviting everyone to take “his responsibilities”.



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