DIJON: The relaunch of the Chocolaterie de Bourgogne is “a step forward” according to the CGT

Former general manager of the chocolate factory, René Loquet invested 100,000 euros in new equipment to revive part of the activity with seven employees and reopen the factory shop on September 22.

The CGT, whose activists were dismissed in 2018, calls on the public authorities to “commit without restraint”.

The Cgt learned from the press of the relaunch of chocolate activity on part of the emblematic site of the Chocolaterie de Dijon and the eventual deployment of around ten sales outlets. This is an important step forward in relaunching an activity for which the Cgt has deployed numerous initiatives.

For years, the Cgt has led all the fights to prevent restructuring. It has proposed recovery plans, put forward innovative production proposals… But the groups which, successively, imposed their deadly strategy, caused Choco to sink, broke the employees, the know-how, the reputation of the products.

During the 2018 Pse, all Cgt activists were dismissed. In fact, until 2021, the buyers have not faced any opposition. They had a free hand to loot the site. The municipality of Dijon, the Regional Council and the public authorities bear a heavy responsibility for having accompanied this mess.

For the Cgt, the story of the Choco and its employees might not end there. This closure might not be irreversible.

The Cgt has, during the last period, developed initiatives, both at the gastronomic fair and on the Dijon market, at the Philippe le Bon tower, at the opening of the Gastronomic City… It has challenged and met the elected local and regional authorities, the public authorities, argued that “municipality” should constitute a solid foundation for the revival of chocolate activity. Sometimes under the jokes, even the insults or the contempt of some, the Cgt continued the fight.

Proof today, with this recovery project, that she was right to fight. This is all the more important as it has always met with understanding, support, solidarity and support from a population attached to the chocolate factory. Examples of such a state of mind are legion. Everything must be done not to program a new disillusionment. For this, the town hall, the region, the public authorities must commit themselves without restraint.

Faced with this new situation, the Cgt considers that its tenacity was essential. It is all the more detrimental to the success of the new project that it was put in place without the Cgt at any time being invited to the rounds of table. The Cgt has already written to the investor for a meeting. It will not fail to challenge all the economic and political parties concerned by this revival. It is inconceivable that the representatives of those who have, for so many years, made the reputation of the chocolate factory are sidelined.

On the strength of this first step forward, the Cgt will continue its initiatives so that its proposals are taken into account.




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