The EuroBasket final will be George Eddy’s last match on the microphone

A big event can sometimes hide another… Yes, the EuroBasket final between France and Spain (8:30 p.m.) this September 18, 2022 also marks the end of the legendary George Eddy on the comments of the Blues. Canal + having lost the rights to broadcast the matches of the French team in favor of beIn Sports, the commentator with the most famous accent in France will therefore make us vibrate one last time this evening.

What a gentleman anyway, George Eddy. First congratulations, and then, thank you. Thank you for these evenings spent keeping us in suspense in front of the matches of the Blues, thank you for these actions of legend lived together, thank you for having transmitted the passion of basketball to more than one of us. After 37 years of good and loyal service for Canal +, “Mister George” is giving up his apron and saying goodbye to the French team. Fortunately, it’s not a farewell to basketball since the Franco-American will still continue to officiate via the antennas of Canal + Africa, but all the same this final marks the end of an era. For those who missed an episode, Canal loses the rights to broadcast EdF matches in favor of beIn Sports. The EuroBasket 2022 final will therefore be George Eddy’s last as a commentator for the Blues. As a symbol, France also faces Spain (8:30 p.m.), the opportunity for the Mister to leave in the most beautiful way.

Before being an exceptional commentator, George Eddy is first and foremost a basketball player and an incredible shooter. For those who do not know, the native of Alabama even played in the first division under the colors of Caen. Ah yes, George was clearly not there to mess around. Here, for proof, this gentleman planted 46 pawns including 9 shots from the parking lot in National 2 (equivalent to Pro B at the time). Really serious, we tell you. After his career on the court, the now ex-basketball player reconverted behind a microphone to make us live the matches with a voice, an accent and expressions that we know only too well. Thirty-seven years later, George Eddy is a basketball figure in France. We are still talking here regarding one of the gentlemen who have worked the most for the democratization of the NBA in France. For the democratization of basketball as a whole, by the way. Beyond the Great League, Mister George has also established himself as the official voice of the French team for many years and until this evening. This final between France and Spain is a perfect opportunity for George to say goodbye to the Blues.

His legacy is immense, and his legendary phrases must still ring in your ears. Because yes young people, it is in particular to this gentleman that we owe the term “money time”, that of “stratospheric” or even “brick or cinder block”. Mister George is also colorful expressions, among which we find pell-mell: “Pau Gasol rolls super”, “He made him lose his shorts” without forgetting the easy but nevertheless nice “This Penny there is worth full of money”. Finally, George Eddy is above all moments of anthology sublimated by a man truly passionate regarding basketball. Vince Carter’s dunk on Fred Weiss is a perfect example. The action is already monumental, but George’s ebullient commentary elevates it further. From now on, it only remains to hope that this evening also this man will be able, one last time, to put even more magic in an already exceptional event.

A EuroBasket final, moreover between France and Spain, and more for the last of George Eddy it’s just im-missable. So even if you had nothing planned, cancel everything anyway to be sure to be in front of the Blues, ready to vibrate in front of the last masterclass of a legendary commentator.



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