Dr.. Uday Oasis
There are many reasons and factors that lead to the issuance of an undesirable smell from the mouth, some of them are directly related to oral health and other reasons related to the general health of the body or organic diseases.
We first address the most common reasons related to oral health. The first and most influential is the lack of attention to dental hygiene or the inability to clean them completely and correctly. Not using the brush properly and regularly and neglecting the use of dental floss leads to the accumulation of food residues stuck on the surface of the teeth, which decompose Over time, it interacts with the bacteria naturally present in the mouth, producing an unwanted decaying odor. The patient may notice a bad taste in his mouth. The minerals naturally present in the saliva are also deposited on food residues stuck on the teeth if they are not removed within three days, and they harden and form a hard tartar layer.
The tartar layer constitutes a fertile environment for bacteria to multiply, and causes the occurrence of periodontal pockets in which food residues accumulate, infections in the tissues surrounding the teeth and a decline in the level of the gums, all of which leads to the formation of an undesirable smell in the mouth.
Because of neglect of oral hygiene, tooth decay, nerve tissue and abscesses rot, causing an unpleasant odor.
Another reason related to oral health is the presence of structures that are not completely consistent with the shape of the tooth or the presence of spaces between them and the surface of the teeth, so food residues gather in these spaces and are difficult to clean, resulting in infections and the issuance of a bad smell. These fixtures include crowns, bridges, veneers (porcelain veneers), or artificial teeth (implants), and dentures.
Another reason is impacted wisdom teeth (partially visible) because they are difficult to clean and accumulate a lot of debris.
Therefore, it is recommended to brush the teeth at least twice and floss once a day. Mouthwashes and a special brush available in pharmacies can be used to clean the surface of the tongue from any deposits.
In addition, eating habits such as eating garlic and onions or foods rich in spices, smoking and alcoholic beverages can affect bad breath.
Periodic dental examination and dental cleaning at the dentist every six months have an effective role in preventing the exacerbation of gingivitis and periodontal pockets that cause odor, and early detection of any problems and other causes of mouth odor that the patient may not know regarding.
Diseases that cause bad smell:
1. The presence of inflammation or obstruction in the sinuses, tonsils, or bronchi
2. Peptic ulcer
3. Diabetics may complain of a smell like fruit or nail polish remover (acetone) due to the high level of sugar in the blood
4. Kidney failure due to the high level of urea in the blood
5. Liver patients may suffer from bad breath due to the high level of ammonia in the blood.
6. Immunodeficiency patients suffer from bacterial infections in the mouth and fungi frequently.
Some medicines and antibiotics cause dry mouth and an unpleasant smell, such as epilepsy medicines, depression medicines, diuretics, blood pressure medicines and antipsychotics.
Therefore, it is not recommended to take any medications without consulting a doctor, to discuss side effects and choose the most appropriate solution for each case.
NMC Royal Hospital – Sharjah