VIDEO. “The impression of being in Star Wars”: an American tests one of the world’s first air scooters

Being able to fly like in “Star Wars”? Thad Szott dreamed it, a Japanese company made it. Aerwins Technologies has created the first air scooter: a machine capable of flying for 40 minutes and reaching nearly 100 km/h. This racing car of the future was unveiled at the Detroit Motor Show in the United States on September 15. Thad Szott, co-organizer of the event, is one of the first Americans to have been able to test it.

“I feel like I’m 15, straight out of Star Wars and riding one of their motorcycles. It’s awesome ! “, he confides a few moments following climbing several meters high. “It’s nice to take off and land. It’s very fluid and I can’t wait for what will happen in the future. I’m super excited, ”he continues, with a smile on his face. Exhilarating sensations that still have a cost: you will have to pay 775,000 euros to get this flying scooter.

The vehicle was created by a Japanese company, Aerwins Technologies. The start-up began by building drones, before going upmarket with this flying motorcycle, already on sale in Japan. The company is working on a cheaper model, the price of which might drop to 50,000 euros.

The device is currently not approved. In the near futureit might be used by rescue teams to reach hard-to-reach areas and even by pilots… but only on closed circuits.



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