Amrit Mahotsavam: The human chain is over
Sunday, September 18, 2022 1:01 AM IST
Guruvayur: Guruvayur Nagar as part of Swachh Amyat Mahotsavat Under the leadership of the church, the human chain has ended.
Former MLAs K.V. Abdul Qader, P.T. Kuhun Muhammed, City Council Chairman M. Krishnadas, Vice-Chairman Anishma Shanoj, Chairman of the Standing Committee A.M. Shefir, Shailaja Sudhan, A.S. Manoj, Bindu Ajitkumar, A. Sainathan, Councillors, City Council Secretary Beena S. Kumar, municipal employees, sanitation department employees, etc. Rithakarma forces, Kutumbashree members, public activists, Youth, students, representatives of various organizations, Vya Pari industries started and people in various sectors were mali. Nyamukta was deployed as Guruvayur.
All those who joined the human chain must protect the earth. It was Maman and it was Palikum. Vilambararalli, cycle rally, painting as part of Manshyachangala All that was happening.