Professionals accompany the sanction of the Law of Recognition of Traditional and Complementary Medicine

From the Acute School Hospital “Dr. Ramón Madariaga” report that they have been implementing alternative therapies as a complement to traditional therapies. So they announce that they hold meditation meetings with the administrative, guard and nursing staff.

The activity takes place within the framework of the accompaniment to the sanction of the Law for the Recognition of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, approved in the XII ordinary session of the 2022 legislative cycle.

It is a regulatory framework for practices and therapies that are not framed within conventional medicine. This will allow health professionals to offer these treatments as a complement to traditional ones.

In this context, the Healthcare Manager of the Teaching Hospital, Dr. Dalila Bühl, highlighted that “this is a Law that allows the integration of traditional and complementary therapies together with conventional medicine.”

For what he detailed, at Hospital Escuela “we work in a medicine in which everything that is done is scientifically proven; At the same time, hand in hand with alternative therapies such as reiki, which works on the energetic part, and yoga or meditation, which are very good for people, it is possible to integrate different therapeutics, always with an eye on the patient’s well-being”.

“We, together with the El Faro Foundation, which approached in a totally collaborative way with the Hospital’s health personnel, began in March of this year to work with meditation, with the administrative, guard and nursing personnel, with a very good answer”.

dra Dalila Bühl

In relation to the complementarity of alternative practices, he commented “we find it interesting because they help reduce anxiety and better manage emotions”.

Finally, added Dr. Bühl, “these therapies, in addition to being optional, do not replace scientifically proven conventional treatment, but we do believe it is important to be able to work with them because they help improve the emotional part of the patient and family members for their recovery” .



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