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The US special envoy to Yemen, Tim Lenderking, called on all relevant parties to prioritize peace in the country, according to a statement issued Thursday by the US Department of State.

Lenderking’s comments came at the end of his tour of the region, which included the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman.

According to the statement of the US State Department, during his meetings, Lenderking felt a consensus that the truce in Yemen – which is due to expire on October 2 – is still the best opportunity to achieve peace and that it was the cause of an unprecedented period of calm and hope for Yemenis, who have faced years of war and suffering. .

The statement said that officials met with Lenderking in those countries unanimously agreed with them on their support for an expanded armistice agreement that includes paying civil servants’ salaries, improving freedom of movement by opening roads, rapidly moving fuel through ports, and expanding commercial flights from Sanaa airport.

Lenderking welcomed the efforts of the Yemeni government to ensure that the benefits of the truce reach all Yemenis, including through recent exceptional measures to avoid a fuel crisis following the Houthi order led to a backlog of ships in ports.

The statement called on the Houthis to stop “measures that endanger the truce,” asking them to “cooperate with the United Nations and support an expanded armistice agreement that will bring new benefits to millions of Yemenis, including the delivery of funds to tens of thousands of teachers, nurses, and other civil servants who worked for a while.” long without pay.

The State Department’s statement called on all parties to be “ready to make concessions and prioritize a brighter future for Yemen.”

He stressed that the United States remains committed to strengthening efforts to secure “a lasting and comprehensive peace agreement for all Yemenis, including their demands for justice and accountability.”



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