Vitamin D active and inactive are very different, take nutritional supplements correctly”

FTV News/Zheng Zhuyun and Zhuang Baihua from New Taipei

To improve immunity for epidemic prevention, nutritionists recommend supplementing vitamin B group, C or D3. However, the National Institute of Health recently released a study that long-term use of vitamin D3 in the elderly may increase the risk of dementia, making many people afraid to take it. However, the pharmacist explained that the National Institute of Health is experimenting with “active” vitamin D, but the nutritional supplements generally sold in the market are “inactive” D. The two are different, and the public need not worry.

Happy Mid-Autumn BBQ! However, the command center is worried that there will be consecutive fake gatherings and the epidemic may peak again. But to enhance immunity, pharmacists also recommend supplementing vitamin C or D in moderation.

Pharmacist You Junkai said, “We have an appropriate amount of D3 supplements to maintain a certain concentration of D3 in the body, which will actually help improve our immunity.”

The active and inactive vitamin D is very different, and the correct use of nutritional supplements “has protection”

According to the National Nutrition and Health Survey, the most deficient nutrient among Chinese people is vitamin D. Among them, men aged 13 to 44 and men over 45 account for 60% and 40%, respectively, and women are as high as 80% and 60%. However, the National Institutes of Health recently released a study, but reminded the elderly that long-term use of vitamin D3 may increase the risk of dementia and make the public have doubts.

Pharmacist You Junkai said, “The D3 used in the experiment is active. It is true that in a few experiments, there is an increased risk of dementia, but if you are taking ordinary D3, there is no problem with inactive D3.”

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The active and inactive vitamin D is very different, and the correct use of nutritional supplements “has protection”

The pharmacist specifically clarified that the general health food products on the market are “inactive” formulas, so there is no need to worry too much. There is also a skipping step in how to identify. Active vitamin D is a prescription drug, printed with a “drug license number”, and the unit is only “µg”. The unit of “inactive” vitamin D in health food is “IU” or “µg”. In the face of the unknown epidemic situation, adequate nutritional supplements can better resist the threat of the virus.

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