| Patriarch Mar Ave III will visit India

Erbil (Iraq): The Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, Mar Ave III, will visit India from January 4 to 14 next.

At 6:00 p.m., Holy Mass will be celebrated in the Thrissur Marthmariam Great Church of the Eastern Chaldean Syrian Church. On the memory day of Mar Yohannan Mamdana, the Holy Mass will be offered at the East Kota Church. Will return on the 14th.

Dr. Mar Aprem Metropolitan and Mar Augin Episkopa are participating in the Holy Synod which will be held in Iraq until the 19th. Further program of visit to India will be decided at Sunnahados.

Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani inaugurated the civic reception given to the participants of the Sunnahados. Pope’s representative Mar Luis Sacco and other religious leaders were also present.



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