Better to govern wrongly than not govern at all – or what was that like? In SuperPower 3, starting October 7th, 2022, players can prove if they have what it takes to be glorious leaders in a nation. In this global strategy game you take control of different countries in ready-made scenarios and try, for example, to rebuild the British Empire. Or you take over the fortunes of one of 194 countries in sandbox mode and set your own goals, why not help Andorra to world domination?
The new gameplay trailer introduces one of the most important pillars of the game: politics. The decisions in this area have a massive impact on the weal and woe of one’s own country, how its citizens fare and what other nations think of it. Many factors are interwoven here. An economic contract can have a great impact on the people and their happiness, domestic changes in the law can in turn lead to changes in relations with other states and even create new rivals…
SuperPower 3 is being developed for PC and will be released on October 7th, 2022 for PC. The RRP is €29.99. You can add the game to your wish list here:…
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