The AFI presented to the court audios of the Federal Revolution in which they proposed to “infiltrate” to kill Cristina Kirchner

The head of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI), Agustín Rossi, filed a complaint on Wednesday followingnoon in the federal court 5 of Maria Eugenia Capuchetti in which he contributed material on demonstrations carried out on Twitter by two members of the Federal Revolution group that included threats and incitements to commit crimes and that, in the opinion of the official, might be linked to the attempted assassination of Vice President Cristina Kirchner.

Rossi accompanied the evidence collected by the AFI within the framework of intelligence law 25,520 and its amendments, which empower the agency to appear before the Justice to ensure national security and the democratic order in the conviction that there were those who tried to put them in risk.

The complaint filed by the intelligence agency, to which he agreed Telam, contains the exchanged audios during a live broadcast on August 26, 2022 by the Federal Revolution group through Twitter that was summoned under the title “do we have to rot it?” and in which two members of that organization participated, Jonathan Ezequiel Morel, 23, and Franco Ezequiel Castelli, 26.

Morel, registered with the treasury as a monotributista, is the one who granted several radio interviews in recent days to present himself as the main referent of the Federal Revolution; while Castelli is a volunteer soldier of the Argentine Army and is domiciled in the province of Santa Cruz, according to what was stated in the presentation.

In the recording of one of the audios that are part of the complaint and that the AFI presented in court the possibility of someone infiltrating the vice president’s supporters is mentioned to make it “go down in history”, in reference to the intention to commit an assassination.

“Today, for example, I saw how Cristina greeted La Cámpora and the militancy and said, it’s a shame that they already know my face because otherwise you know how I infiltrate there for a week and I hope it goes down… But I swear… If the kids from La Cámpora didn’t know me, I’d go there and sing the Peronist march to you seven days in a row and as soon as it goes down in history. Then they lynch me. But it goes down in history”, intervened one of the members of Federal Revolution.

The moment following the attack on Cristina Kirchner.

Another section of the public transmission that was included as evidence shows that one of the participants “has knowledge of the address of the national deputy and son of the vice president, Máximo Kirchner,” according to the complaint filed this followingnoon, at 7:00 p.m., in court. Commodore Py who investigates the assassination attempt on Cristina Kirchner.

According to the recording that the AFI attached as evidence, Morel and Castelli had the following dialogue:

-Morel: “Do you go to Máximo’s house every day?”

-Castelli: “Yes, I’m from Santa Cruz, from here.”

-Morel: “Uhh, how did you not kill him, asshole?”

The two members of the anti-kirchnerist organization who organized violent interventions of direct action once morest the ruling party and who installed guillotines and gallows in opposition demonstrations also exchanged insults and threats once morest President Alberto Fernández.

On the live broadcast of Twitter on August 26, one of the individuals complained that the head of state usually uses a helicopter and not a car. “If I find it in the car, I’ll dent everything, I kick it so much, I set it on fire,” he threatened. And he added: “Unfortunately, I’m not going to run into Alberto today in the street, I’m going to run into him in a few years, In a few years I know that I am going to cross it and I am going to make a homeland.”

According to the presentation of the AFI, “both the demonstrations made and the attacks perpetrated show an illegal action that merits the pertinent complaint since it might constitute the crimes of instigation to commit crimes (article 209 of the Penal Code); public intimidation (article 212); defense of crime and other attacks once morest public order (213 and 213 bis); threat to depose any of the public powers of the national government (article 226 bis), and encourage or incite persecution or hatred once morest a person or group of people because of their political ideas (article 3, second paragraph, of the law 23,592)”.

The Federal Revolution group carried out the march of the torches on August 18, when they gathered in front of the Casa Rosada under the slogan “jail or bullet”, a violent protest that forced water to be thrown from inside the government headquarters and in which Brenda Uliarte participated, according to a photo that she herself posted. in his social networks and that he later deleted.

Telam Agency



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