Brazil: the moment of the decisive vote | Opinion

From Rio de Janeiro

One of the messages in favor of useful voting expresses it very well: if you vote for Lula, he wins in the first round. If you vote for another candidateJair Bolsonaro goes to the second round. Political clarity lies in understanding that the dividing line Today, in the final stretch of the campaign, he is not among those who were for and once morest the coup once morest Dilma Rousseff. There is no difference between the Workers’ Party (PT) and antipetism.

The fundamental polarization now occurs between Bolsonarism and anti-Bolsonarism. The fundamental objective is to remove Bolsonaro from the government, prevent him from continuing to use the government to attack democracy and once morest all those who do not agree with his hate speech or with his economic policy of favoring speculative capital.

What Lula stands for

Lula da Silva it represents not only the PT, the left, democracy. It represents anti-Bolsonarism. Incorporate all those who oppose Bolsonaro, to Bolsonarism, it incorporates all those who identify with that objective.

Support for Lula is growing more and more from people who explain their differences with the PT, who are not from the left, who were undecided, who thought they would vote for other candidates. This is the time to win the votes that can lead Lula to win in the first round and definitely avoid any coup adventure.

The right realizes that it cannot win with a candidate like Bolsonaro, disastrous in his speeches and in his attitudes. He tries to prevent Lula from winning in the first round, Lula from winning very strongly.

The media

It has the direct support of the media, which take up the accusations once morest Lula, the PT and the left, trying to exploit anti-petism as a counterpoint to anti-Bolsonarism. The right has nothing to propose to the country, it resumes the discourse of the supposed risk that the return of the PT to the government and a new mandate of Lula would mean.

Brazil has had elections that defined the future of the country for a long time. Like when Fernando Collor de Mello, helped by Globo TV in his falsified edition of the debate he had with Lula, he won in 1989. Those elections, the first direct ones following the dictatorship -the previous ones had been in 1960, almost 30 years before- defined that the country had a neoliberal cycle, which was from 1990 to 2002.

The 2002 presidential elections brought the PT to the presidency of the republic for the first time, with Lula’s victory. The most virtuous cycle in Brazilian history was opened up to now, with the strengthening of democracy, economic development, income distribution through the creation of more than 20 million formal jobs and an increase in minimum wages of 70%. percent above inflation.

To the point that the PT governments were elected and re-elected democratically in four successive elections. They had to be the victims of a coup d’état – a political trial without any legal basis once morest Dilma and the arrest and conviction of Lula, equally without basis – to end the cycle.


The failure of the governments of neoliberal restoration, of Michel Temer and Bolsonaro, plus the disasters experienced especially during this government, lead the October elections to define a new cycle in Brazilian history.

They are the most important elections because either they prolong the current catastrophic cycle – which no survey indicates – or they reopen a virtuous cycle in the country’s history. There are two antagonistic counterpoints. There are two worlds, two Brazils, which are in opposition. Hence the importance of this year’s elections.

Defeating Bolsonarismo -and doing it in the first round- has a profound meaning. It means rejecting the neoliberal model and the use of the State to promote inequalities, violence, the protection of the militias and the corrupt family that has taken over the State. It means defeating a profoundly neoliberal, authoritarian, repressive government that fuels violence, widespread armament, and the international loss of prestige of Brazil, among other disasters.

The value of democracy

It means reaffirming the value of democracy, so that we never once more let it be destroyed. It means making the State an instrument for economic growth and social inclusion, guaranteeing minimally decent conditions for the entire population. It means recovering the degraded image of Brazil in the world.

That is why no vote can be lost. It is regarding preventing what the right wants, which is to take the dispute to the second round. This is the decisive hour of the decisive vote. Time to elect Lula in the first round and offer him the best Congress possible, rescue the country and begin a a new virtuous cycle in the history of Brazil.



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