“We are very far from peace”, notes the head of the UN after a discussion with Putin…

8:31 p.m .: In Izioum following the departure of the Russians, quarrels resurface

Shortly following President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit, dozens of residents, mostly elderly, gathered in the same square in the center of Izium. Failing to see President Zelensky, whose visit had not been announced in advance, they wanted to see the mayor, Valeri Martchenko, to tell him of their grievances: restoration of services, state aid. This one will not come.

The tone rises in the public square. Should Russian help be accepted during the occupation? Opinions differ. And on the square, those who have accepted humanitarian aid from Moscow are singled out.

-You want me to die, right? defends Svitlana Ficher, 55, a woman who received Russian aid.

-Stop screaming !

-Your question is: am I for the Russians? No, I’m sorry, I’m in my country.

“She wants to be fed by the Russians,” said another man.

– You sold Ukraine for food, shouts another woman.

A woman intervenes to defend Svitlana, impeachment by the crowd:

-And what did you eat during all this time?

-We ate the products of our own land!, answers a man.



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