LIVE – Death of Elizabeth II: the queen’s coffin rests at Buckingham Palace tonight

At 3 p.m. local time (so 4 p.m. in France) the king and his wife will participate in a ceremony by invitation, in memory of Queen Elizabeth, at Saint Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast.

At 4 p.m. (5 p.m. in France), the coffin of the Queen will leave Saint-Gilles Cathedral for Edinburgh Airport from where it must fly to London at 5 p.m., accompanied by Princess Anne and her husband.

At 7 p.m. (8 p.m. in France), the coffin will arrive at Buckingham Palace, where it will be welcomed by the king, the queen consort and members of the royal family. A guard of honor will be held, before being transferred for the night to the Bow Room, a circular room with marble columns framing each of the monumental windows.

Tomorrow, following prayers at the palace in the presence of the king, the queen consort and the royal family, a procession will begin in central London to carry the queen’s coffin, placed on a gun carriage, from Buckingham Palace to the palace. of Westminster. The king and members of the royal family will join it. Big Ben will ring, cannons will be fired from Hyde Park.

After the coffin arrives at Westminster Hall, it will be guarded night and day by soldiers from Royal Household units.



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