The union of Russia and China will complement North Korea

Foreign Policy: North Korea will work closely with Russia and China

North Korea will become the main ally of Russia and China, writes Foreign Policy
Official website of the President of Russia

The new “best friend” for Russia and China will be North Korea. Foreign Policy journalist Mike Chinoy wrote about this in his column.

“Moscow and Beijing are more than ever ready to join forces, especially to challenge the United States, which China increasingly sees as a weakening power in Asia. The North Korean authorities have said that the Korean People’s Army will maintain close “strategic and tactical” cooperation with Moscow and Beijing. Pyongyang categorically excludes the possibility of negotiations with Washington on its nuclear weapons program,” Chinay writes.

Previously political scientist Kotkov expressed his opinionthat North Korea will join the nuclear alliance between Russia and China. According to him, the DPRK, together with China and Russia, will create an alliance to counterbalance the Western world.

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The new “best friend” for Russia and China will be North Korea. Foreign Policy journalist Mike Chinay wrote about this in his column. “Moscow and Beijing are more than ever ready to join forces, especially to challenge the United States, which China increasingly sees as a weakening power in Asia. The North Korean authorities have said that the Korean People’s Army will maintain close “strategic and tactical” cooperation with Moscow and Beijing. Pyongyang categorically excludes the possibility of negotiations with Washington on its nuclear weapons program,” Chinay writes. Earlier, political scientist Kotkov expressed the opinion that the DPRK would enter the nuclear alliance between Russia and China. According to him, the DPRK, together with China and Russia, will create an alliance to counterbalance the Western world.

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